BYC Café

Can have a second cup while bread is rising. Weather has cleared today and is perfect for working on the coop. Fall is fast approaching and while we had planned on adding our last two to our flock (two gree blue egg layer) we fear they will not have time to grow enough to survive winter so will add them next spring. It will be our first winter so best to see if these girls makevit before adding last two.
They are out of town... but they don't have hay for the bottom and its been very rainy here so the bottom is muddy...the grass if fresh ok?

I live in Mn and it is SO wet everywhere. I would pass on the grass. Menards has very good bedding msybe opt for a bag of that. Otherwise if this is for the outside part of run sand is clean and drains well there. But others may have better ideas. I like bedding inside, hay in the boxes and sand in the outside run. All easy maintenance.
Morning all. Coffee always tastes better on Monday doesnt it! Have about 10 yds of mulch to move and getting 6 tons of fill today...gosh looks like a rough work week for this gal. Weather today is nice but its warming up again here in Mn. Guess we should embrass the warth because winter will find us again soon enough.

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