BYC Café

Oh man I need a coffee - hope there's some left. Up early this morning and off to a field trial. No coffee because then I would have to stop and release recycled coffee. Coffee at the club was POOR. Had a fun but tough day. The rabbit population was very low so we did a lot of walking.
Oh man I need a coffee - hope there's some left.  Up early this morning and off to a field trial.  No coffee because then I would have to stop and release recycled coffee.  Coffee at the club was POOR.  Had a fun but tough day.  The rabbit population was very low so we did a lot of walking.  :old

Only interested in the kind of rabbits that beagles can pursue.  Cottontails.

There's plenty of rabbits here they can chase lol

Are you interested in bunnies? Too

And i think rabbits are cute and i want another haha
Good morning, Cafe. Flannel shirt sort of morning here - I'm loving it. Off to the Little League World Series for a couple of days.
Good morning, another gorgeous day here in the upper peninsula! More rain last night, and quite the lightening show.

More stuff cleaned up and sorted in the garage...there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Coffee and work today...have a good one everybody!
I'd love more coffee too! Very cool here this morning. Like 58 degrees, felt nice for a change.

Been building the new coops, getting closer to being able to move the birds in, and tear down the old pens. Hopefully this evening we can finish up. Found a yellow jacket's nest though, so hopefully they vacate today. They were under an archery target, so I hope since I moved the target, they will follow it.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning! Got a big bale of hay for the horses yesterday. 750lbs. That ought to hold them for a bit and hopefully put some weight on Shadow before winter comes.
High of 60's for the next few days so we are gonna need the coffee rolling here too.
I think Sour has a grandson playing? Good Luck!
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