BYC Café

Mornin', y'all!:frow

NFC, I am so glad you put a pot on for tea, too. Still not able to face coffee, for some reason, but tea is nice to cozy up to.

That's very true! I might have to try it now. Although it's not exactly easy to find a mechanical bull, especially around here lol

They have a mechanical bull every year at the fair. This year, BB2K decided to check it out (I wasn't there, she was with some friends). She told me she got "thrown" a few times, but her experience riding horses helped a great deal - when she felt herself getting off-balance, she did an emergency dismount (that's a tongue-in-cheek reference to one of Rick Gore's pet peeves) and landed on her feet every time.
I rode a bull once. Stayed on him for about 10 minutes

Was it one of these?


@Mtn Margie - Impressive! Congrats to your boy!:clap

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