BYC Café

Yep, here too.
Bummer you 'missed' this last cool wave.
A solid ahead week of high 80's

But high temp humidity below 50
and nights in the 60's
Smoke and ash here this week! Temps in the low 100s too...Looks like Dantes inferno here. We live in Woodland

I've had one of THOSE days.
DHs family have all taken to making decisions about DHs care without even once discussing with the one person walking this planet who knows more about his condition than anyone else because said person lives with him.
I got an email from DHs daughter last week stating she wanted to come up for a visit on 9/11 to talk about her father. That she thought her brother and aunts and uncles were all talking to me about having someone stay with DH when I was gone "ALL day" and that there was some disagreement.
No one has talked to me. I have been given the third degree, have had our lifestyle choices insulted, and been informed that all the family thinks DH should not be left alone. I kept trying to explain that DHs confusion would have been amplified outside his home while visiting them and that he is still doing okay at home. They don't agree. Okay. How would you know? You don't live with him. I do.
I knew I'd made appointments for both of us for physicals and they were coming up but couldn't remember when because I forgot to put them in my calendar.
I called the doctor's office to get the date and times. I was told that DH had TWO appointments??!! What?
One on the same day as me, which I scheduled that way.
One for 9/11. I didn't made that one. Hmm. Same day as the planned visit. Hmm. Is this also part of their "discussions" with me? Making appointments for him with his PCP behind my back? I requested that the office pull up the HIPPA on record. Oh? Really? I'm the only one listed that the doctor can discuss his condition with? I had NOOOO idea!
Suffice it to say that I cancelled the appointment.
Sorry for the rant. Even if no one reads it, it felt good to write it!!
Rant away, we'll listen.
Smoke and ash here this week! Temps in the low 100s too...Looks like Dantes inferno here. We live in Woodland

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Not good is it. Fire watch here is an high alert. It was supposed to cool down a bit here today but it just got hotter. 37C top temp 99F rounded up.
Tomorrow is forecast to be much the same.:(
There is a cloud bank and storm coming but it keeps getting blown back out to sea.
I have to admit to being in a foul mood. Really not doing well in the heat. So much stuff needs doing but most of it is in the open and it's just to hot.
The local economy is gradually crumbling away. Speaking to a few that have gone on holiday who say they won't be coming back. All the local politicians seem to be able to do is bicker about which version of the Catalan flag they should fly. Totally sick of the lot of them.

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