BYC Café

I still make several of her recipes .
I really enjoyed the food there, though much of it was unfamiliar. I remember one particularly good dish based on belly pork, but I can't remember what it was called. I'd like to go back one day; Budapest is beautiful, and love the Gellert baths!
@DobieLover How are your relatives doing? You mentioned your nephew and sister dealing with covid symptoms?
My nephew and BIL are on the mend.
My sister and niece are lagging behind but their symptoms started 2 days later and they got a little sicker than the males.
Mom tested negative.
The future play room.
The future hunting room.

I have to take DH to another Dr appointment tomorrow. Hopefully no more threesome's in his future.
I have to take DH to another Dr appointment tomorrow. Hopefully no more threesome's in his future.

As long as you never speak of it....? ;)

After he and his assistant left and DH came out of the bathroom I asked if he wanted a cigarette after his menage a trois. He said "we must never speak of this again"!

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