BYC Café

I had a plant day as well, only I was a guide for my friend and her friend that came up from the plains looking for salve and tincture ingredients.
Yarrow, plantain, figwort, black-eyed susan, betony, wormwood, red clover (bonus of three 4-leafers), shepard's purse, pennyroyal, heal-all, pineapple weed, wild onion, nettle, mint, wild rose, grindelia, and cinquefoil. And lambsquarters, I forgot
They ran out of time and bags or I think they would have continued.
Just a couple of sprinkles this evening to ease the heat of the day.
I had a plant day as well, only I was a guide for my friend and her friend that came up from the plains looking for salve and tincture ingredients.
Yarrow, plantain, figwort, black-eyed susan, betony, wormwood, red clover (bonus of three 4-leafers), shepard's purse, pennyroyal, heal-all, pineapple weed, wild onion, nettle, mint, wild rose, grindelia, and cinquefoil. And lambsquarters, I forgot
They ran out of time and bags or I think they would have continued.
Just a couple of sprinkles this evening to ease the heat of the day.
How cool! Will they share any of their tinctures with you for all the help with identifying and locating what they needed?
Good morning Cafe and thanks for the coffee Margie.

This is the pond site marked out with the hydrangeas still there.

This is as far as I got yesterday working off and on and the blazing sun and heat. I'd get about an hour of work done before my body was overheated and I had to come in and cool myself off with an ice pack on my head. It nearly killed me! I didn't even get down one foot.

My neighbor came over and saw what I was doing and said, "why didn't you call and ask me to come dig this out for you with my machine?"
"Well" I answered, "because I thought you were at work."
He's coming over today to help me dig out the bulk of the center portion of the pond with the machine and he'll tamp down all of the compacted soil in the mound that will house the waterfall filter. He's also going to start working on knocking over the poplars and digging out the trench that surrounds the property so it will drain better. But that might not be today.
Good morning, and thanks.
I had a plant day as well, only I was a guide for my friend and her friend that came up from the plains looking for salve and tincture ingredients.
Yarrow, plantain, figwort, black-eyed susan, betony, wormwood, red clover (bonus of three 4-leafers), shepard's purse, pennyroyal, heal-all, pineapple weed, wild onion, nettle, mint, wild rose, grindelia, and cinquefoil. And lambsquarters, I forgot
They ran out of time and bags or I think they would have continued.
Just a couple of sprinkles this evening to ease the heat of the day.
I would love to have been there. So much to learn. What is their background?
Good morning Cafe and thanks for the coffee Margie.

This is the pond site marked out with the hydrangeas still there.
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This is as far as I got yesterday working off and on and the blazing sun and heat. I'd get about an hour of work done before my body was overheated and I had to come in and cool myself off with an ice pack on my head. It nearly killed me! I didn't even get down one foot.
View attachment 3180604
My neighbor came over and saw what I was doing and said, "why didn't you call and ask me to come dig this out for you with my machine?"
"Well" I answered, "because I thought you were at work."
He's coming over today to help me dig out the bulk of the center portion of the pond with the machine and he'll tamp down all of the compacted soil in the mound that will house the waterfall filter. He's also going to start working on knocking over the poplars and digging out the trench that surrounds the property so it will drain better. But that might not be today.
Wow, terrific to have a helpful neighbor!
I'm getting a big fat charge out of going out to my garden and picking stuff for brunch and dinner.
This was brunch, half of a beet, half of the green bell pepper, the asparagus and wilted chopped up beet greens! With two small eggs scrambled with some goat cheese.

This is dinner, sugar snap peas, zucchini and lemon thyme served with Mediterranean herbed grilled salmon.
Good afternoon Cafe. I think I may have been teleported to Spain. Got close to 30C yesterday and the sky was blue!
I got the perspex for the new coop window today so I should be able to get the new vents finished off and the window in in the next couple of days.
I've been digging out the rat runs under the old coop. The rats are that cheeky that I managed to catch one with my hand yesterday but it wiggled out of my hand.
Baked rat anyone.:D
It is 39C currently at my place. We do have a Mediterranean climate and it is much like Spain here. We even have a near majority of Spanish Speakers!
Love the home grown dinner items! I dug up a couple volunteer potato plants that were in between rows. Home grown new taters, onion, garlic, and dill. Yum!

If my tater plants all do as well that those two did, we will have gobs, veritable GOBS of taters! :gig

Which is fine. One of my neighbors would love to buy some of my "extra" produce.

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