BYC Café

And I spoke with the financial advisor who had gone to my mom's house at her bidding to make the change and he told me that he was with my mom in the living room, CS was in the kitchen and when mom said she wanted to make CS the sole beneficiary that CS made a big production that she didn't want it, that it would mess up her disability benefits but mom was just adamant that CS be made sole beneficiary.
Isn't that a bit of an issue if the FA will state that your mom requested the change even with CS's objections?
This monster was laid by Kylie, my 4-year-old Cuckoo Marans. It literally hurts me just to look at it!

I usually stack these cartons one on top of the other and slide them into the second shelf of my refrigerator. It wouldn't fit because that egg was sticking up so high!

I did crack it to use for my next batch of dehydrated eggs and it was a double yolker.
It weighed 3.8 oz. I found that the average weight of a cracked extra large eggs is 2 oz.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

We had a good rain yesterday and into the night. More coming tomorrow. I shouldn't have to water my garden this week.

With all that I've been juggling, I haven't been eating very well. My neighbor across the road had a celebration of life Saturday for her husband who died this time last year (my sister was his hospice nurse). I didn't have it in me to go (by myself) and be around a bunch of strangers. She understood and yesterday sent over a HUGE tray of food leftover from the party! She said I'd have enough food for 2 days. There is enough in there for lunch and dinner for the rest of the week for me. :woot
That is a rough way to start and spend the day, Orca. I hope you find some clues.
It is still raining here about once a day. Yesterday was an afternoon shower with hail and it is cloudy and threatening this morning. We have 39F on the deck and I am sucking down the HOT coffee and wearing my flannel lined jeans and warm fleece on the top half.
Enjoy the day, Cafe!

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