BYC Café

A chance on Thursday, and maybe Sunday. DH said that would be a great Father's Day gift.
I didn't know ya'll had kid(s)!

Was supposed to rain this morning, and this afternoon..... just this evening, with thunder, if it actually happens.

Still loving the coolcool weather, another heat wave forecast to start on Sunday.

Latest broody seems to have broken, wonder who will be next?
Good morning! Thanks for the coffee.

A long and sad day yesterday, but it’s finally over. Hoping for no mass strandings in Nova Scotia for the next 7 years again (ideally not ever, but that might be asking a lot).
Do you have any findings?
Do you have any findings?

All healthy individuals. One was nearly full term with a calf, which was super sad. Several other females were lactating, which means that they have calves that didn't strand with them (since we had no dead calves on the beach). Seems like a mishap - likely navigational error. This is unfortunately somewhat common in pilot whales if they enter shallow sandy bays where it can be difficult to navigate out of. Their echolocation seems to fail in these sorts of environments.
Good afternoon everyone!

Yesterday evening at lock up this is the cute surprise I found:


Just shy of 3 weeks of age they conquered the roost which is situated at chest height with a poop board underneath. :cool:
Good morning! Thanks for the coffee.

A long and sad day yesterday, but it’s finally over. Hoping for no mass strandings in Nova Scotia for the next 7 years again (ideally not ever, but that might be asking a lot).
I find it horribly sad the way the ocean wildlife is declining so much due to the influence of man. All the nasty chemicals sprayed on the land eventually make their way to waterways and then the ocean. It sickens me.

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