BYC Café

Did you and the Princess have a decent time? Has Maggie been recovered from "purgatory"?

They need to be taught to roost
My initial 12 figured it out all on their own, it is instinctive. That said, I am moving several every night either off the alpaca shearing stand or the top of the people door into the coop. They won't go up to their normal (ie where Nuit had them until she kicked them to the curb) roost spot if there is another hen there. Especially if it is Penelope because she WILL peck them off the roost. Only Elizabeth will get up on a different part of the roosting area.

Yup, I'm a wimp!
Me too!!!!!
Today I blocked off the corner where the chicks/pullets (they're 13 weeks; not really chicks any more!) have been sleeping. I made a roost for them that is about 10" lower than the adult bird roost.

While I was in there, Stormy, the brave one, jumped up on the roost. I said, "Good girl!" Then I remembered she isn't my dog...

Tonight at lockup, they were trying to get to their spot, but couldn't. Good girl Stormy came over to see me, and I picked her up and put her on the roost. Then I left and closed the door, which makes it much darker in the coop. I'm hoping she stays there and the other two will learn from her.
Why couldn't they get to their spot?
I blocked it off. It's under the poop board of the adult roost. It was in the back corner of the brooder area I made in the coop, fenced off from the adults. Their roost is toward the front of the coop, out of reach of the adults.

In other news... the adults mostly leave the pullets alone. Because the pullets know to stay out of their way. Lark will chase them occasionally, but breaks off the chase when they scatter. The integration is going well, I think! :fl

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