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I'm late posting today, too. Very tired, as I was up until 2 am getting eggs in the bator! Add sick on top of that and

You can see the info on my blog (in siggie), if you like.

I'm working on more things to stock in my etsy store. Had first sale yesterday, less than 24 hours from when I stocked first items!! I sold one of my hats!! Am working today to get flowers done for the hats I have made but no flowers yet.

My SS gift is kicking my butt. One part of it isn't working out the way it was supposed to and I'm so angry
gotta try again. UGH!

Everyone have a great rest of the weekend!!! See ya "on the flip side"
Yes, Yes, as long as we don't get deleted soo much good info here.

Rocket I love the dead horse smilie that's Priceless

As soon as Okie finds out if she has more than one bun in the warmer Then I will get things posted for the Baby Afghan Shower send off ?? or what would you call it? it's not a swap??? Give me some suggestions girls.

I am feeling better today
, even cleaned some house today.

Scoot they are both nice, but, Yes I like the second one best also.

Jenn so glad you got things back up and running good to hear from ya.
Please drop by and chat more often, we missed ya.

Where's Sk
? I read anything from her today.

Maw glad to see you are better too.

Rocket I will let you know as soon as I drop my SS at the PO. I am sealing it up and labeling it tonight.

Oh I finally got eggs from my Marans that look like Marans I am soo eggcited here look the past 3 days left to right Friday, Saturday and todays. Sure hope they keep going in this direction and get darker.


I did get quite a few more circles done on Zoe's afghan while I have been resting. So I will be putting some more of them together soon.

Thanks for the well wishes I think they worked cause I feel better Thanks
You gals are all stars to me.

Love ya's
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Oops! I mispoke Karan is in charge of Organizing the babyghan square send off (I like that title, btw) and LC offered to put it all together for Okie...I think that is how it went.

amyq - feel better!

I need to stop

Karan! So glad you are feeling better. And that bling is my sig, because yup, the Hooker Sisters inspired it. (and it turns out even my friends who don't live in my computer are like stars too...)


and now I am really going away. Well, I am going to keep my screen in front of me, because it's all I can really look at while I hook...but I am really hooking now... really...
Sk! Move over...I need to get under that chair with you.
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Thanks Rocket I think Babyghan send off is catchie.... I like it...

WHere is Sk

Jim did you lock her up in the chick nursery????

Amy I hope ya get to feeling better.

Well I put some Cajun Cornbread in the oven to go with Ham & Beans need to go check it, I hope it's not more cajun than I want then it will all be for DH..
I like some spice but not I cry when I eat spicy.

Well check on all you chicks later
Hey gals I just wanted to let ya'll know I have opened my SS gift just been delayed in posting about it.

I Got one of Jacies BEAUTIFUL eggs, I love it and so does all the women in the family I have finally had to but it behind a locked glass door to keep it in my house. I found it over at my MIL's Last night when I got home, she said she was showing it to FIL sisters. yah right! SO I got it back home and locked it up. it is so gorgous.
and I love redbirds too. Thanks so much. I will post the pics as soon as I get them uploaded to the photobucket. ANd No noone else can have it either. LOL!!!!!
Jacie you are so talented. really you are.!!!!!

Ris I am going to try to have my SS gift out by wednesday. the lastest. try!!!! well gals I am off after kids angie your in my prayers gal Maw.

1. SE - Mailed and received by Skand
2. Maw - will be mailed soon
3. Athena have a great trip, Athena!

4. EastTn/Steph Everything ok, Steph?

5. Scoot - Mailed to Jennifer (newchickenfam)
6. Amy hang in there, your project will click.

7. Karan - will be mailed soon
8. No Chicks/Susan - Mailed
9. Rocket/Shanah - Mailed
10. Guitarists/Angie
take care Angie
11. TB!/Teri - Mailed (tracking number posted in post 3376) to AmyQ
12. Skand/Stephanie - Mailed
13. Jacie - Mailed and received by Maw
14. LC/Kay - Mailed
15. NewChickenFam/Jennifer - Mailed
16. Elcunni/Erin - Mailed and received by Jacie

Run down of who's who in Secret Santaville So Far

SE had Skand
Scoot had Newchickenfam
Teri had AmyQ
Jacie had Maw
Elcunni had Jacie
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Finally! Get JIm Shoved away from the puter. Off making deals on more game birds!
Well, one of our chicks out in the nursery got squished. So poor me is off shuttling tiny chicks back in the house-brooder. LOL, I come in the house with jacket pockets chirpin.

The girls gave the pastor's wife her shawl this morning. Got a big ole hug for it. They were so proud of it, you would think they made it, in fact, I think they did tell her they helped.....hmmm... lol They did, tore out two whole rows for me, (which didn't need it, but ....) lol
Been busy today, sold a rooster and four chicks yesterday, sold another rooster and a chick today. Yayy
Even talked to a lady that wants to come tomarrow and get some chicks. Think I'll even tell her bout BYC. lol She sounds like Paula Dean. If she looks like her, Imma bust out laughing, hope she

I did tell yall bout my lack of manners, right? (BELCH!) hehehehe Let's just put it at, I aint couth. lol

Well I shall be off to showerland, think I'll use my new soap tonite,, hmm, red bar or blue-sparkle bar? lol Which is better SE? They both smell soooo good, if I didn't know they were soap, I'd let Caydence taste test it for me...hehehehe
Hey everyone!

Ris - everything's fine, just been extremely busy! I've got to get my SS gift finished ASAP!

I've got 9 new additions to my family! Nine little fluffy chicks born yesterday! Right on time!!

Today has been very busy with church and children's choir performance, etc.

Right now, I'm way behind on work and gotta get back to work so I can get it done tonight. I would like to get paid this week. Have a great night everyone!!!
Thank you Rocket for being the SS police..great job!!!!!!

Well I shall be off to showerland, think I'll use my new soap tonite,, hmm, red bar or blue-sparkle bar? lol Which is better SE? They both smell soooo good, if I didn't know they were soap, I'd let Caydence taste test it for me...hehehehe

only eat soap for dirty if that were true I would be eating alot of soap!!!! Use whichever one you wnat, the peppermint smell will stay with you all day though, my favorite

Running late, wish everyone a great day
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Woo Hoo!! I am posting early!

Still feel like
and it's really making me mad
I've got way too much to get done to be slowed down being sick.

Eggs are officially on day 2!! Incubator is staying regulated and I'm so happy I can hardly stand it

DH, Felicity (7yo dd) and I decided last night that we are going to hatch some bantam rock eggs to start showing next year. Looking at Silver Penciled and also Columbian. DD and I are so excited about this

I really prefer LF over bantams, but heck, I'd rather have bantams than no chickens at all. Bantams (and not too many) is all we have room for here in this house in town. Oh well...

Still working on more flowers to complete hats. Nearly finished with some cute little wreaths I crocheted to put on etsy.

Dang SS rethinking now, since one main part isn't doing what it's supposed to.
somad.gif off to get things done....see y'all later!
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