BYC gardening thread!!

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Today's harvest. May not be much, but I feel proud of it.
Good stuff, as you should. It shouldnt be about the harvest, while always nice, but about the process, time, and effort it takes to get there. It makes anything you grow, that much better tasting.
Harvested one of my potato plants early, got ten fist-size potatoes and a few small seed-size potatoes. They're still kind of young (which is not a bad thing here in Belgium - we love new potatoes!) so I'll wait another month to harvest the rest, but we were surprised they got that big since we didn't bury them very deep and didn't pile dirt over them very high. Also harvesting tomatoes every other day now, and the bush beans gave me my first handful of pods. The pole beans are still producing, while the melons have yet to form fruits. Corn silk is turning brown and cobs are forming, I should have that for harvest in late September or October.
Purple potatoes plant started flowering. cute little white flowers with purple centers that bleed out towards the edges. think I'm gonna dig them up soon. i think aphids are destroying the leaves too. only one is actually yellowing from the damage. well see when i dig
We checked our sweet potatoes yesterday, so small I wouldn't even call them potatoes. My corn looks wilty, I think our heat wave and my late start this year kinda ruined the garden.
So far all I got was soybeans.
I want to follow up on those links, Dan. I'm mulching a lot and raking up pine needles for more mulch. Does anyone know how low the soil temperature has to be before I can stow heads of cabbabe in mulch in it? I may have to go back to the library to look up that one. Gotta go back out before my body says no.

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