Moving along with my Christmas presents. I've got 8 hats done and one about 1/2 way. Also, started the scarf for my brother to match the hat I made for his birthday. (DD borrowed the car and my knitting bag with the hat I was working on was in the car.) Only 5 hats, 4 scarves and a bunch of other crafts to go. Better get knitting.
Hi all you knitters. I'm working on a knit from the top down Aran snowshoe sweater.
I got the pattern from Blackberry Ridge. Also been making thrummed mittens to sell at the craft fairs.
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We have a Secret Santa project going in the crochet swap thread, you knitters are certainly welcome to join if you'd like!! There is a post on the last page of the thread with all the info..we would be really happy to have you if you are interested...crochet is not a requirement... the more, the merrier
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What's everyone knitting?

Didn't someone mention making a shopping bag or something out of recycled plastic bags? Did they ever finish it?

I'm working on a shall right now, in my fav yarn, lion homespun. I'm not crazy about non-cotton yarns but I really like homespun. I'm using the color Candy Apple and have thrown in a gold crochet thread for some sparkle, so pretty so far! Can't wait to finish it!
Yep, I did finish it only it was crocheted. I guess you could do the same with large knitting needles. I'll try to posts a pic later. I have to get to the barn and off to work for a 12 hour day.

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