Nice colorful hat! What kind of yarn did you use to get that effect?
Love it!

I am making a watch cap now which is a toboggan that has the long tail to it that all the teens are wearing now!
Way to go Sequin - there's nothing quite like surprising a heart-felt compliment out of your dad

Really nice hat Scoot, congrats - I'm also interested in what yarn you used.

Congrats Sequin! Definitely keep up the knitting!

Nice hat, Queen Scoot! I'm so picky about hats that I'll wear. For some reason, I find a single layer too cold so I have to make a double layer hat. Twice as much yarn and twice as long to knit, too!
Here is a picture... ok, two pictures, of my scarf that I just finished. I still have to sew on the inspiration tag that I intend on putting on every scarf I knit. This one is going to be 'tagged' with a small silver ring that says "inspire" on it. I am going to give this scarf to my very dear friend who is really sick right now and going through some hard times.

Hope you like the pictures, thanks for letting me share! p.s. I am 1/2 way done with the second scarf that I started on Tuesday. This one is going faster ... hee hee hee, probably because I know what I am doing more so than with the last one.

(Sorry for the windowpane shadows)

Thanks so much friends, on the kind compliments. I used an 100% organic cotton for the off-white portion. I used a Bernat brand yarn made of 86% bamboo for the green trim/ends. Size 9 needle. I have ordered more of the organic cotton from Jimmy Bean Wools(they are Awesome, and sent me candy with my order!!!!), as they have vegetarian dyed cottons - making them vegan friendly. I myself am not vegan, but the owner of the store I work at is and I am hoping she will allow me to sell my vegan friendly scarves there at some point. The scarf I am working on now is the same as the one pictured, but with an icey-baby blue bamboo yarn. It is really pretty too, the contrast between the cool and warm tones play nicely with each other. Not only that, but this yarn is easy to work with and makes for a Really soft and cozy finished product.

Thanks again!!! Happy knitting everyone!!

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