Hello, Yes we have chickens, we have Bantam, and they bring joy to our lives, we also have two dogs, that is always bring happiness and always happy to see us. I am glad to be a part of this site.
If they like pink they certainly aren't talking..........

I read somewhere they want the colors to match or blend in with the uniforms. No bright colors as that would be like pinning a target on
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Well, it's all relative. Some areas are colder than others in the state, also. Where I'm at (Sou-west WA), it doesn't get too bad. It's just that never-ending winter rain that's so depressing. I moved here from Ohio and, too me, it seems like easy winters here. We do get some cold spells here and there, though.

and yes, knitting is a great thing to bring along on a trip! unless, of course, you're like me and get carsick
lol Still good to do at the hotels or whatever

Just got back from a 4300 mile round trip. Snow in Utah, rain in KS and MO and wind in NM & AZ and more on the last leg home. Wonderful time. The fall colors were breathtaking. I have almost finished my shawl as I had plenty of time to work on it. Lost one of my hens while I was gone. My neighbor found it in a nest box and buried it for me. The rest are doing fine.
Thanks for straightening me out, Queen Scoot, I didn't mean to start a new thread.
So, I will use this one and repost what I am working on:

I've just finished two baby sweaters and am working on several other projects.

This little set turned out so cute and the county fair folks thought so too, blue ribbon. This is for my daughters best friend from high school. She just had her first baby and it's a girl.

This little cable sweater is for another friend who's daughter will be 1 in March.

I started this sweater for myself. It will be a cardigan. I am using Meg Swansens instructions for her Lupine Sweater. But I changed the ribbing to be a little more interesting to knit. I love the heathered purple yarn

Here is the first of the fingerless gloves that I am knitting for my daughter. She wanted them really long, so she can still wear T-Shirts to work. They are black but I lightened the photo so I could see the bavarian twist pattern I included on the top side.

This shawl finally got fininished at the end of last month. I bought the yarn at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, in May. It's a lovely heathered gray.

Well that's enough of what I am working on, what are ya'll making?
Posey, love the purple and the girly ones too! I'm working on my first pair of socks. Making 2 socks at one time on 2 circular needles. Took me awhile to wrap my head around the method, but I've got it now!
Thank you 1mommahen. I knit socks too but I only enjoy knitting them from the toe up on 2 circulars. My first pair was two at a time on one long circular (magic loop) it drove me crazy. I had those darn socks on the needle for nearly two years. Finally, one very experienced sock lady told me to get them on two circulars and to try to do them one at a time. I did and had them finished in no time.
Do you knit cuff down or toe up? What gauge of needle are you using? I hope that you like knitting on two circulars. I use that technique all the time, for sleeves, tops of hats, fingerless gloves, shrugs, anything that would normally be knit on double pointed needles. I also hope that you enjoy the two at a time. Lots of people do, I just learned that it's not for me.

Post a picture if you can while you are in progress.

I have sock start-itis, really bad but I am trying hard to hold off. I have projects that must get finished. I'd like to finish my daughters fingerless gloves by Channukah and my sister just told me that she loves them and needs several pair. She is training for a marathon in January for the Lymphoma Society. I really want her to finish that run - what an accomplishment for a 50 year old woman! So, I need to get some fingerless gloves started for her too.

Since that first pair on one long circular needle, I have knit lots of socks. Here's a pair that I entered in this years fair.
I love this yarn, it is Jitterbug sock yarn.

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