BTW, I'm in on the knitting club. Much better at crochet, but have started some knit hats for Christmas. I think I'll try some loom tube scarfs too.
I love knitting:) My two grannies taught me but I mostly crochet'd in the early years until I discovered my kids and I needed warm socks, sweaters, mittens, hats and scarves. Then I began baby blankets, too. I also love sewing but when knitting I want it all knitted and no sewing at all so learned basic patterns for knitting in the round either neck down or waist up and since I was stuck home for a week w/shingles on my face by my eye, I got out my spinning wheel and made some exciting yarn last night:) (Also got 10 ducklings in the mail this morning and those cutie pies LOVE water!)

Its 4am and couldn't sleep after so exhausted when I went to bed so pics tomorrow;) My favorite sweaters are either raglan cardigans or pullovers out of worsted weight with size 8 needles or Icelandic wool sweaters or cardigans with size 10 needles and I use 4 colors instead of the traditional three (the third color is just a tiny bit added into the pattern.

I'm ready to card the alpaca from Slocrev and am in the process of deciding whether to card the muskoxen wool into it or to ply it together once they are both spun and have in mind shawls and wimples along w/ a few pairs of "sleeves" or arm warmers.

Cranberry tea w/honey is gone so back to bed for now!
welcome to the club!!!!!!! cant wait to see pics!
For those interested, here are some pics showing a Cotton and Nylon bag scrubby.

cut bag

tie loops tog

knit 1 row, knit remaining rows with netting and cotton tog.


finished product.

recycle, recycle recycle....
ok so we have quite a few members here in the knitting about a craft along or knit along....... what does everyone think???? and what would you like to make as a group? i was thinking an easy project to begin with...maybe a dish cloth if everyone knows how to purl?
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I love the knit along idea and a dishcloth is a good idea to start. I'm in. Anyone making an allpurpose shopping bag I thought I'd like to knit one out of the cotton yarn but I don't have a pattern.
Hello fellow knitters!

Took me a while to find this thread, but I am also a knitter, my mom taught me in high school and I really started becoming more prolific about 10 years ago.

All of you looking for inspiration, free patterns, amazing groups for every interest have got to sign up on Ravelry. Go to and put yourself on the wait list, it is only a couple days long now (I waited about 3-4 weeks to sign up last summer) and you will love it. I am thankyousheep over there, go check out my finished projects. I try to update every few weeks.

I am up for a group project, I love to make dishcloths!
The Ball Band dishcloth is super easy and looks much more complicated than it is. Dishcloth.htm

Here are a few recent projects (am expecting my 2nd in September, so lots of baby knitting this summer!):




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