Announcement BYC Updated - Post Questions, Concerns, Issues, & Praise Here!

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Been on BYC on and off most of the day and I think I prefer this to the old version.
There are bound to be bits and pieces that need fixing in any upgrade. This is not an easy site to deal with, not in size and not in the diversity of preferences.
A couple of features I like that were not available before are the picture resizer (I usually resized on the computer before posting and on my linux distro it's a bit of a pain. It should also help the site run more smoothly.
I like the changes on the profile page where I can now see how naughty I've been.:D
I prefer having to click on the alerts rather than hover.
The site for my eyes is easier to read.
I do have a question regarding the reaction rating system.
If I click on the thumbs up icon I assume it's adds a positive result to that persons score.
If I click on the funny icon does that still add to that persons what used to be likes?
If I click on the angry icon does that subtract from the total?
There are no reactions which subtract from the score. The 'Haha' reaction adds to the score, and the 'Angry' reaction is neutral, it doesn't add or subtract.

Yes I agree and noticed the logo is gone too! I hope that is fixed. Also, you should charge your phone! :lau
The logo is showing up fine for me, but I've heard from some other members that it isn't showing up for them. Try clearing your browser cache.
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