My neighbor had zebra finches, I took care of them when they were on vacation. They chatter a lot and breed a lot if you have females and males😅
Zebbies are cute but evil. They need a large cage and even then they’ll still try to kill each other occasionally.
This thread is for all caged birds and parrots!!!! I think there might already be one but it’s long dead and we were starting to hijack the dog thread so I figured I’d make a new one so we can continue the discussion here :lau

I used to have parakeets (budgies) but had to rehome them last year :hit

One day I will get more!!! I also want cockatiels LOL

Maybe finches?

So yeah!!!

Discuss away!!!!!

@fluffycrow @Pampered chicken girl @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds @Ilovemychicks08 @oldhenlikesdogs @anyone else LOL
I have two tiels that I fully inherited when my dad passed

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