Calif. N.Central Valley/Foothills

your frizzle polish! I would love one of those
Any chance you will have any available in the spring

okay Flower.....the line forms to the rear for those frizzled polish........LOL Just joking..........I am after one for my daughter too. I have been bugging poor Sarah for one. I guess she just better keep hatching huh????? LOL
Karen in Turlock

I just now saw this! Yes flower when I start selling them karen is first! I don't have that many babies yet and my pullet stopped laying a few months ago (she only has laid about 15-20 eggs total). As soon as I get my stock up I will let u know.
Just Found this thread! Im in Sacramento! Ill be entering 35-40 birds at PPBA (Stockton) Show! Cant wait... Only entering 3 chickens.. The rest will be Waterfowl...
Welcome to the thread! Cant wait to see your waterfowl, esp East Indies, my son is bringing pencilled runners and Dewlap Toulouse.
Hi everyone! I'm Tam and I'm from the bay area, but I grew up in the southern central valley. I figure it won't hurt to make connections out your way, especially since I don't have any birds yet, and this will be my first attempt on my own! I am interested in building a flock of hens this spring once we've cleared the backyard up on the house we're buying and built a coop. I have 2.5 year old twins, 2 indoor cats and a dog, as well as a husband! Looking forward to chatting and learning from you all!
Welcome Tam...............There is a Bay Area thread too & alot of us visit both thread plus others.
What breeds are you interested in or have you gotten that far. Storey has an enclyclopedia out with nice pictures & geneal discriptions in it. I had my grand daughter look at every breed before making a choice. It was a nice evening spent together picking chickens. Are you after a laying flock just for eggs or do you have other ideas? There are so many choices. It is very difficult to stick to just a couple.......LOL
I want an egg laying flock, but I have always loved chickens for chickens sake as well. I had some grand idea of three hens laying different colored eggs. I am also in love with the looks of so many, that I'm in trouble for sure. I am more than a little emamored with the thought of bantams. I guess my biggest desire is to have 2-3 hens that will lay for my family! I am definitely looking to go to a show this spring, but trying to bone up on breed egg color, appearance and temperament first!

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