California - Northern

Quote: Yes, 3 to 4 days is critical with Coci.

It sounds like it hit her hard too. It could be because of the Pene part. They are listed as Ultra Heat hardy but not Hardy. So I guess they do very well with the heat but get sick easy. The cold may be especially hard on her. Hopefully the Legbar part helps though.
I was looking at her Dorkings. Thanks for letting me know! It did sound dicey since she has to drive a long distance to ship them. Is that where Lucky came from?

Let me know if you want me to try hatching some SG Dorkings from Urch.

Yes. Fran named him Lucky because he was the only chick out of 2 dozen eggs to hatch.
Thank you for the offer. I have decided, with my Dorkings, to stop bringing in any more lines. I'm going to keep working with what I have, to improve them. That's why I want to try to hatch so many of my own eggs this year.
Urch is one of the best breeders in the country, so I recommend him to you, if he has any of the breeds that you want.
Quote: That is great news Kim! You do have very nice birds and I look forward to hatching those eggs for you this year! Some day I may borrow one of your big culls, get some of those big old Heritage Barred Plymouth Rocks from Deb and make some Meat bids for my self

I sent an email to Urch/Turnland asking for a catalog. There was a pdf of the 2012 version last year. There does not seem to be a website, except that the SQ chicks and hatching eggs on Strombergs web site are from Urch so if you see some there, It is less expensive to get them straight from Urch/Turland.

I will post the catalog when I get it.
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Need some brilliant ideas!!

At the ranch in Clayton I still have many birds until I''m able to ship them out and I'm sure the pipes have frozen (We have them wrapped etc, but still I'm sure they probably are frozen...)

So not having had to deal with this before, what would you guys recommend??? I don't have hot water there and it's 30 minutes from my house so carrying a bucket of hot water out there (while that just sounds like a back ache waiting to happen) isn't going to happen.  

My birds will be out of there in a couple of weeks, so I don't want to go to the expense of order warmers etc.

HELP!! :barnie

I don't know what your set up is there, but do you have access to electricity? If so, you could put in one of those small water heaters or a circulating pump to keep the water moving.
I sent an email to Urch/Turnland asking for a catalog. There was a pdf of the 2012 version last year. There does not seem to be a website, except that the SQ chicks and hatching eggs on Strombergs web site are from Urch so if you see some there, It is less expensive to get them straight from Urch/Turland.

I will post the catalog when I get it.

I emailed Duane several times last year and never got a response. I finally called and his direct quote was...................."Oh, I don't do that email thing!"...................I'd suggest you call. I was looking for a particular, scarce breed. I asked if they had pictures of their breeders they could send (trying to ascertain the quality), I was told................."Look at the pictures in the standard."...................
. A bit curmudgeonly, but I did end up with the breeds I was looking for. Although one breed, I culled and put 70% of the birds received into the freezer and am closing watching the few I kept. They did mail their catalog to me this year, I think I still have it. If I come across it before you get one, I'll scan it.

I sent an email to Urch/Turnland asking for a catalog. There was a pdf of the 2012 version last year. There does not seem to be a website, except that the SQ chicks and hatching eggs on Strombergs web site are from Urch so if you see some there, It is less expensive to get them straight from Urch/Turland.

I will post the catalog when I get it.

I emailed Duane several times last year and never got a response. I finally called and his direct quote was...................."Oh, I don't do that email thing!"...................I'd suggest you call. I was looking for a particular, scarce breed. I asked if they had pictures of their breeders they could send (trying to ascertain the quality), I was told................."Look at the pictures in the standard."...................
. A bit curmudgeonly, but I did end up with the breeds I was looking for. Although one breed, I culled and put 70% of the birds received into the freezer and am closing watching the few I kept. They did mail their catalog to me this year, I think I still have it. If I come across it before you get one, I'll scan it.

He is not the only one. A couple of other places do not return emails or web form contacts from their web pages. I did put my shipping address into the email so maybe that will get a catalog mailed to me. If I don't hear back by tomorrow, I will call them. I also need to call a couple of other places. One of them has White Emps too.

Thank You!
What is it with people in hatcheries /farms who don't like to return emails? Its ..warm and indoors!
Did anyone here do the hatch a long last year? If so do you know if they took 1 chick or 0 chicks for worst hatch?
He is not the only one. A couple of other places do not return emails or web form contacts from their web pages. I did put my shipping address into the email so maybe that will get a catalog mailed to me. If I don't hear back by tomorrow, I will call them. I also need to call a couple of other places. One of them has White Emps too.

Thank You!
deb did you end up with a nice extra paint showgirl roo? I have all these black silkie hens so im debating if I want to do bbs silkies and then switch it out to paint sg. I did not end up wiht a bbs sg roo this year, just a red one.
What is it with people in hatcheries /farms who don't like to return emails? Its ..warm and indoors!
Did anyone here do the hatch a long last year? If so do you know if they took 1 chick or 0 chicks for worst hatch?
The one I am looking at, Summer Rose Farm's and Hatchery, has a nice website but it has a 2009 copyright at the bottom. Also, They were on BYC in 2010 but nothing posted since then. There is a member sign in area and lot's of information. I do not know if they are really in business or if this is an abandoned site. With them I filled out a web form and the next day sent them an email. No acknowledgement from the web form and no reply to the email.

I will call them on my lunch hour.

I do not know about the worst hatch contest. I hope you can figure it all out though!
What is it with people in hatcheries /farms who don't like to return emails? Its ..warm and indoors!
Did anyone here do the hatch a long last year? If so do you know if they took 1 chick or 0 chicks for worst hatch?

I believe it ended up a zero rate with the highest number of confirmed eggs set. I think the prizes for best/worst/first have always been modest because of the lack of ability to truly police the contest. When I see pictures of a first chick at 12:02 and the chick is bone dry fluffed (and I'm saying anything about this year, just seen it in the past).................................just sayin
It comes down to, it's the internet............take it all with a grain of salt. Thanks for all the effort you've all put into this hatch along. They are always fun, this was about my 5th hatch along.

I haven't even sorted that batch yet. I'll let you know if I have an extra roo in there. My best paint roo (from a shipped egg) went toes up a couple of days ago for no apparent reason. I was pretty sad about the loss. I do still have a pullet from that same hatch.


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