California - Northern

LOVE the snow pictures!!! no snow here, just cold. but not quite as brutal as last night felt, so perhaps things are changing? still covered up the lemon tree again...

i was gone at meetings all afternoon and evening, just got home -- Amelia is still a bit puffy-looking but seemed, with my brief visit, less utterly-dejected-looking -- still in the garage with the heatlamp on her for the night. hopefully she's hit her low point and will now start getting better, at whatever pace...

and i wasn't home most of the day, but the other kids all seemed fine this morning, full of beans as usual -- all annoyed that i wasn't letting them out to free-range but then delighted by the offerings of yogurt and mealworms. if only it was always that easy to win someone over...

and sorry, but "several thousand wolves" is gigantic hyperbole -- the strongest "core" population is in the Yellowstone ecosystem and that's between 200-400 individuals. several thousand is just crazy talk.
So glad to hear Amelia looks like she may be on the up swing.
26 here this morning and that is up against the house. I'm sure it's about 21 out there. Dang it's cold! Back to taking my tea kettle outside to defrost waterers. (hopefully without falling today) I have a few boneheads in mid molt, gotta check on them too.

Is it uncommon for them to molt in winter? This is the first chicken I've ever had that has molted so dramatically.

water in pans or small temporary waterers is the only thing i can think of, too.

Amelia update: still alive! still puffy and closed-eyes, but moving a wee bit more than she did yesterday, and when i put a small dish of yogurt in front of her she pecked at it happily. so that seems to be a good sign.
Hoping for the best. Can you mix a bit of Corid into yogurt?
I was going to reply to the thousands of wolves that I thought it was a silly thing for the person to say.

Summer Rose Farm's is out of business. The website has been abandoned and will probably be up until the web registration fails. I called the number on the site and the person I talked to said she gets a lot of interesting phone calls in the Spring time.

Phyllis Urch replied to my email and attached a pdf.

Does anyone know how shipping cost works on shipped eggs from Urch? Is the shipping built into the price or do you have to call them to get a total?
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It depends on how they ship the eggs. It is usually around 15 for 1-2 dz if they ship priority mail. 20-30 if they ship fast fed ex. It costs about 13 to double box ship a dz from fl at here. But they want to pay for the bubble wrap, etc. If they ship it flat rate its cheaper, but you need to have eggs of a certain size to double box in a med flat rate box. If it is much over that they are either padding the cost of being crazy careful.

I found a old screen type thing we bought to make a screened in porch back in the day . We are useing it to make a coop in the space under the house ( not really a basement, more of a workshop but not quite 8 ft tall) so we can lock everyone in and go away and not worry. But now I'm thinking it might be a good winter coop, too. it has lights and does not freeze. we put the roosters in there right now so they are quieter in the morning they just hop in and out via the window. Mario is becoming unenthuastic about loosing this much work space in his office thinge, however, so we will see if it goes or not, lol.

I am very excited!

While I was typing this, I got fireflys necropsy in ( she was also a he! sneaky silkies) they said it was a very interesting case, she had a tumor, either cancer, very unusual in a young bird, or well, here is the finding

"This is an interesting case. There was a large intracoelomic soft tissue mass expanding the left thoracoabdominal air sac, and
displacing/compressing the adjacent organs (left liver lobe, heart, left lung). The mass was firmly attached to the left parietal
pleura and ribcage, but had no anatomical connection with other main internal organs. At this stage I am uncertain on whether
this represents a weird presentation of granulomatous disease (ie chronic localized fungal airsacculitis) or a neoplasia (cancer).
Neoplasia would be very unusual in such a young bird, however congenital neoplasms occur very rarely in many animal species."

If it is fungal, do I have to worry, or does this give my other little silkie a clean bill of health? I can never really read these reports. It looks like the bird had stopped eating, but from the mass not me, so I feel like less of a bird killer. I had nightmares about finding animals I had forgotten to feed almost every night since I found her. I get guilty easily. I had a snake once that would never eat and was very tiny. I ad to give her away because I would get so upset when she didn't eat. Still have dreams about that too. Can I blame eating too much on that?? haha.
I was going to reply to the thousands of wolves that I thought it was a silly thing for the person to say.

Summer Rose Farm's is out of business. The website has been abandoned and will probably be up until the web registration fails. I called the number on the site and the person I talked to said she gets a lot of interesting phone calls in the Spring time.

Phyllis Urch replied to my email and attached a pdf.

Does anyone know how shipping cost works on shipped eggs from Urch? Is the shipping built into the price or do you have to call them to get a total?

I bought 30 eggs from them a year ago and they charged $20 for the shipping. If I remember correctly, they are the ones that placed the eggs in a carton, poured sawdust over them, then taped the carton shut. I forget what was around the carton in the box.

Maybe their shipping methods have improved.

Notice the note on the bottom of the flyer says they prefer to communicate by telephone rather than email
It depends on how they ship the eggs. It is usually around 15 for 1-2 dz if they ship priority mail. 20-30 if they ship fast fed ex. It costs about 13 to double box ship a dz from fl at here. But they want to pay for the bubble wrap, etc. If they ship it flat rate its cheaper, but you need to have eggs of a certain size to double box in a med flat rate box. If it is much over that they are either padding the cost of being crazy careful.

I found a old screen type thing we bought to make a screened in porch back in the day . We are useing it to make a coop in the space under the house ( not really a basement, more of a workshop but not quite 8 ft tall) so we can lock everyone in and go away and not worry. But now I'm thinking it might be a good winter coop, too. it has lights and does not freeze. we put the roosters in there right now so they are quieter in the morning they just hop in and out via the window. Mario is becoming unenthuastic about loosing this much work space in his office thinge, however, so we will see if it goes or not, lol.

I am very excited!

While I was typing this, I got fireflys necropsy in ( she was also a he! sneaky silkies) they said it was a very interesting case, she had a tumor, either cancer, very unusual in a young bird, or well, here is the finding

"This is an interesting case. There was a large intracoelomic soft tissue mass expanding the left thoracoabdominal air sac, and
displacing/compressing the adjacent organs (left liver lobe, heart, left lung). The mass was firmly attached to the left parietal
pleura and ribcage, but had no anatomical connection with other main internal organs. At this stage I am uncertain on whether
this represents a weird presentation of granulomatous disease (ie chronic localized fungal airsacculitis) or a neoplasia (cancer).
Neoplasia would be very unusual in such a young bird, however congenital neoplasms occur very rarely in many animal species."

If it is fungal, do I have to worry, or does this give my other little silkie a clean bill of health? I can never really read these reports. It looks like the bird had stopped eating, but from the mass not me, so I feel like less of a bird killer. I had nightmares about finding animals I had forgotten to feed almost every night since I found her. I get guilty easily. I had a snake once that would never eat and was very tiny. I ad to give her away because I would get so upset when she didn't eat. Still have dreams about that too. Can I blame eating too much on that?? haha.
Was that preliminary or final for the Necropsy? It sounds like you will get more information later about exactly what the cause was. I would not worry about it at this point and assume the others are OK until you hear otherwise.

Probably just one of those chicken things....
prelim. Its the first time they said it looked interesting, so I bet I get it fast, haha. I looked up the 2 options and they said its a genetic disease, rare .
prelim. Its the first time they said it looked interesting, so I bet I get it fast, haha. I looked up the 2 options and they said its a genetic disease, rare .

You have been truly blessed then!

The final report is where they make the recommendations, like close your flock or cull them all. Yours will be something like rare and not contagious or something good like that.
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