California - Northern

Quote: Molly, have you been moving out the roos on CL as "ready to process"? How much do you ask for them?

I've just got so many, we'd have to eat chicken 7 nights a week AND buy another freezer, LOL

We had a lady that bought all our extra chickens and a couple of freezer lambs every year, but her number has changed. So we don't have that resource anymore.
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Jason are you or your farm on Facebook? Found someone looking for eggs.

Deb its my breese. The boy that pumpkins raised has feathered legs. And a few people who have the second generation eggs have reported feathered legs. My guess is it needs 4 generations to come out.
After two years here I am finally having a predator problem. Oh joy. Last week I found one of my Easter Hatch splash Orps headless in the yard. It was a pullet, so that's a loss. This morning I found the flock snacking on the headless corpse of one of my Lemon Cuckoo pair; it was the cockerel. That cockerel was SO friendly! I had been stressing about having to give him up anyway (can't keep any more roosters than two mature Roos) but the poor thing.....

It's a skunk, which I have seen twice. But it is MY fault, as I allowed the Easter Hatch group to develop the habit of roosting outside of the coop on my porch steps all night. My complacency got those chickens killed.

Now I am gonna have to carry each of those 16 youngsters into the coop at night AND come up with a skunk eradication plan. I know I am going to adjust the auto-door schedule so it closes AT dusk, not after. (I am a late riser, so the flock always beats me outside in the mornings, that's how they got to the carcass before me.)

I am so ****** at myself.
After two years here I am finally having a predator problem. Oh joy. Last week I found one of my Easter Hatch splash Orps headless in the yard. It was a pullet, so that's a loss. This morning I found the flock snacking on the headless corpse of one of my Lemon Cuckoo pair; it was the cockerel. That cockerel was SO friendly! I had been stressing about having to give him up anyway (can't keep any more roosters than two mature Roos) but the poor thing.....

It's a skunk, which I have seen twice. But it is MY fault, as I allowed the Easter Hatch group to develop the habit of roosting outside of the coop on my porch steps all night. My complacency got those chickens killed.

Now I am gonna have to carry each of those 16 youngsters into the coop at night AND come up with a skunk eradication plan. I know I am going to adjust the auto-door schedule so it closes AT dusk, not after. (I am a late riser, so the flock always beats me outside in the mornings, that's how they got to the carcass before me.)

I am so ****** at myself.
Lock them up in the coop for two or three days while it is cooler. That will reset them and they will start going in at night.

I am sorry that the skunk is getting your Babies.
X 2. Its not too hard to reset. I'm so sorry you are loosing your babies.

Time to get a trap and wet cat food and ask deb wth to do with a skunk.
Lock them up in the coop for two or three days while it is cooler. That will reset them and they will start going in at night.

:hugs  I am sorry that the skunk is getting your Babies.
Deann, run some fishing line in the corners of your pens, or from tree to fence...areas where your chickens can go for protection. The hawks can see the shimmering from the air and don't know what it is, so will not come close....or you can get all white chickens, hawks do not go after white chickens as they are not a natural color for their food. I have enough White Bresse to fill most of your pens for you ;>}Good luck,Carolyn
Wow, I did not know that about white chickens and hawks. One of the ones that was killed was one of Deb's Lakkenvelders. I am super sad. I loved that bird - she was sooo friendly. She was white with a black neck so I guess her neck was her doom.

The fishing line is a great idea for one of the pens. It is 30 by 150 and I was considering putting wire over the top. Fishing line will be much more affordable. Unfortunately, the layer layer field is 1/2 acre so there is not much I can do there. They chickens all run into the coop for safety. They are traumatized.
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I think my mille fleur leghorn layed an egg! I guess I waited longer then needed to sell the pair....

Orphs look nowhere near ready. They have such small head compared to their fatness.
How old is your MFL? I have two, one the normal red color and one that apparently is a recessive gene. She is black. I thought she was a Swedish Flower, but nope, some sort of recessive thing going on I guess according to Deann.

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