California - Northern

After two years here I am finally having a predator problem. Oh joy. Last week I found one of my Easter Hatch splash Orps headless in the yard. It was a pullet, so that's a loss. This morning I found the flock snacking on the headless corpse of one of my Lemon Cuckoo pair; it was the cockerel. That cockerel was SO friendly! I had been stressing about having to give him up anyway (can't keep any more roosters than two mature Roos) but the poor thing.....

It's a skunk, which I have seen twice. But it is MY fault, as I allowed the Easter Hatch group to develop the habit of roosting outside of the coop on my porch steps all night. My complacency got those chickens killed.

Now I am gonna have to carry each of those 16 youngsters into the coop at night AND come up with a skunk eradication plan. I know I am going to adjust the auto-door schedule so it closes AT dusk, not after. (I am a late riser, so the flock always beats me outside in the mornings, that's how they got to the carcass before me.)

I am so ****** at myself.
Awww, that is so sad! Sorry for your loss! The head eating is also the MO of Great Horned Owls. My brother has had this problem with Owls eating the heads off his chickens at night. Hope you catch the critter that is doing it!
Awww, that is so sad! Sorry for your loss! The head eating is also the MO of Great Horned Owls. My brother has had this problem with Owls eating the heads off his chickens at night. Hope you catch the critter that is doing it! 

Owls. Forgot about those. There IS an owl here, I not only hear it nightly but have seen it two or three times ever since i moved here. That may be the predator getting the birds, then, since I let them sleep on those steps. The skunk has only been seen in my garden (raiding Penelope's nest) in the past week. I put that and the two losses together because they happened after I saw the skunk slink away. I figured it explained the duck nest raiding in the yard, and the skunk had graduated to easy marks, even though I couldn't figure out how everything was done so quietly.

Yup. I'll be carrying birds into the coop starting tonight.
You are absolutely right - I had forgotten about the owls. And I don't think you are allowed to catch Owls...

I would re-train your birds where "home" is and lock them up like Ron said - for a couple of days so they go back in at night. Owls love chicken heads. Skunks actually prefer eggs, or brains. When I had a skunk wipe out a flock of juveniles who were sleeping on the floor of the coop (I lost a dozen of them in one night) the skunk only wanted the brains...
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Owls. Forgot about those. There IS an owl here, I not only hear it nightly but have seen it two or three times ever since i moved here. That may be the predator getting the birds, then, since I let them sleep on those steps. The skunk has only been seen in my garden (raiding Penelope's nest) in the past week. I put that and the two losses together because they happened after I saw the skunk slink away. I figured it explained the duck nest raiding in the yard, and the skunk had graduated to easy marks, even though I couldn't figure out how everything was done so quietly.

Yup. I'll be carrying birds into the coop starting tonight.
I just remembered that a friend of mine told me that every night the same skunk would find its way into her chicken house and steal eggs but never touched her chickens. I was amazed to hear that, but I don't know if that is unusual behavior or not
My brother caught the Great Horned owl in the act of eating the head off of one of his chickens. Of course, who wants a skunk around!
I can't stand that smell !!!!
You are absolutely right - I had forgotten about the owls. And I don't think you are allowed to catch Owls...

I would re-train your birds where "home" is and lock them up like Ron said - for a couple of days so they go back in at night. Owls love chicken heads. Skunks actually prefer eggs, or brains. When I had a skunk wipe out a flock of juveniles who were sleeping on the floor of the coop (I lost a dozen of them in one night) the skunk only wanted the brains...
Well, you answered that question for me!
Quote: Deann, you only have to do a couple of corners, the chickens will use it as cover like they would a tree. Works great...unless the hawk gets on the ground and hops under the line. I had lost 10 Tolbunt Polish in just a few days. Put up the fishing line, a year later, I have had no more losses and most of the line has been removed. I have a pair of hawks that nest one house over, they do not come to my yard any more. Anyways it is a cheap enough trial to see if it would work for you as well. Carolyn
Quote: If you need help when the turkeys are ready, just let me know and I can come help. Your DH will have to do the killin' part though.
Wow, seriously the most generous offer I've ever heard. I've processed plenty of birds and can attest to that. If I took you up on it, you could go home with all the turkeys you could carry, LOL

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