California - Northern

On a side note, I was happy to see one of the Mean Girls get the smack down this morning. My largest chicken, which just happens to be an Orpington took her on. I think I actually heard her say, " OH heck no! You back off BeZee. I am bigger than you and I will prove it! I will sit on your skinny butt!" She had Mean Girl running away! lolol. Strange satisfaction that is.

This one Orp is soooooo large relatively speaking I am starting to wonder if she is maybe a late bloomer and will end up a boy??? That would be bummer for sure. I really do think she is a girl because the Orp Roo's I have seen (in pictures only mind you) have much longer wattles by 17 weeks.
Quote: I agree, but I'm not too worried about. You'll notice that every time the hen comes too close to her face, she turns her head and squints or closes her eyes - those are calming signals, she's trying to tell the hen to calm down. Of course, the hen doesn't speak dog, so it doesn't do anything...but the turning of the head and closing/squinting eyes will keep her from getting her eyes pecked.

It looks like a chicken was plucked in my run, too. If someone walked in they'd probably think there was a hen killed in there.
I have some Barnies that are 11 weeks old. Some are missing their back feathers and some aren't. Could it be a molt this young? They had the feathers at one point. I just don't know if the others are pecking them or what?
I have some Barnies that are 11 weeks old. Some are missing their back feathers and some aren't. Could it be a molt this young? They had the feathers at one point. I just don't know if the others are pecking them or what?
Yes, they go through several molts before the get their adult feathers. They grow them back so fast that you do not usually see any baldness. The Horstman RIRs were an exception--the Rooster looked quite funny at about 8 weeks old....
That is a great sign that they will be laying eggs soon!

Expect an egg as soon as today.

SWEET! Cuz I'm having dreams about finding eggs....

So are pine shavings suitable nestbox material? Or should I be using that rabbit straw?

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