California - Northern

Finally got some pics of the new girls.

Finding out that they can't get to the other side of the coop.

The lighter one has a spur as well as a big comb--the lady I got all my chickens from says she's a good layer anyway. At least when she's not molting. She doesn't seem to like the idea of photos--it took 2 days to get these

The darker one has light lacing on her back, and was the closest to being finished molting. She also seems to be the boldest of everyone--she went out the people door when I was changing the temporary water.

Under the 8'x16' shed. I ended up having my bug-phobic 4-year-old crawl under. The hen ended up running into the garage, which I'd opened trying to find a catching tool. We closed the door, and I managed to grab her and get her back into the coop.
Yes, they have been washed, shipped, refrigerated and are likely 3+ weeks old as eggs are usually stored in a warehouse for at least 2 weeks before they hit to stores so they are easy to peel and yet from what I hear people often get 50% hatch rates with them. Eggs are pretty amazing.

Now, for all you grammar buffs... how do you like that run on sentence?
Groceries, especially fragile ones like eggs, are probably handled gentler than mail is.
Wendy, eggs are packed with the pack date printed on the carton. Just choose the newest carton, check the shell quality, let them come up to room temperature and put them in the incubator.

I set a dozen for fun and hatched 8 out of the dozen. I then sold the chicks to a family whos mother wouldn't eat "nasty brown eggs", LOL
Well, if you absolutely CANNOT find any, you could do what I - and others have done - by hatching some fertile (eating) eggs sold at Trader Joe's. They are White Leghorn eggs. My Josies are wonderful layers of large white eggs.
Hatching Trader Joes works?? I love that idea! We've not hatched out own before. This will be our first. I don't understand how that could work since the eggs have been refrigerated?
I just found homes for my two hens and one roo from Trader Joes. That's what I hatched out of two doz. it was way inexpensive and fun to accomplish .
Those of you who do not feed your newly hatched chicks medicated starter feed, do you put amprolium/corid in their water to help build up their immunity to cocci? At what age do you do add it and at what dosage? I have always used medicated feed for the first 4 or 5 weeks but with the latest hatch, I decided to only feed them King Freedom Starter. I have had some chicks from other hatches have problems with cocci once they were moved to the outside pens and I would like to avoid this if at all possible.
Those of you who do not feed your newly hatched chicks medicated starter feed, do you put amprolium/corid in their water to help build up their immunity to cocci? At what age do you do add it and at what dosage? I have always used medicated feed for the first 4 or 5 weeks but with the latest hatch, I decided to only feed them King Freedom Starter. I have had some chicks from other hatches have problems with cocci once they were moved to the outside pens and I would like to avoid this if at all possible.

I do not feed medicated chick starter any longer. I give the day old chicks a chunk of grass/dirt/sod from an area my chickens roam. The chicks peck at the grass - run over the dirt and get exposed to the cocci immediately - while they still have the immunities from the egg. I had no cases of cocci in my chicks this year, and I did not have to medicate at all. I do feed fermented feed, I use Purena Flock Raiser and add vinegar and ferment it in a small plastic bowl set on the counter in the kitchen to keep it warm and fermenting. IF I see any symptoms of cocci I will treat with the standard 10 days - but I didn't see any symptoms.
Those of you who do not feed your newly hatched chicks medicated starter feed, do you put amprolium/corid in their water to help build up their immunity to cocci? At what age do you do add it and at what dosage? I have always used medicated feed for the first 4 or 5 weeks but with the latest hatch, I decided to only feed them King Freedom Starter. I have had some chicks from other hatches have problems with cocci once they were moved to the outside pens and I would like to avoid this if at all possible.

I never use medicated feed. I started taking them out to the grass every couple of days and have not treated for Cocci since the Bresse hatch.

If they show symptoms they get corid 20% powder at 1.5 tsp for 5 days and then 1/2 tsp for another 5 days. Vitamins follow treatment.

Ptia Pinta, Basque and Australorps were never treated. I do not think I treated the HRIRs from Fogel and I did not treat the Penedesencas from Our Fly Babies along with the Horstman hatch.

They seem to do better if I feed them King Feed Freedom Starter and only treat if they need it.
Thanks to all your input I picked up a Dzn Trader Joe eggs. Tomorrow I'll borrow an incubator from our 4H leader then we're off to the races!

Ron...I love all the green in your egg basket;)
I would like to thank each of you for all the kind comments about my eggs : )

Ron: I love the colors of your eggs. I think the photo would make a lovely card..

Alibra: The pinkish egg is from one of my Orpingtons who is a very pale blue hen.


Thank you Lual! I have been working on getting nice colors.I need more Blue and Dark brown. They are not laying now--molting and not laying yet.

Wow, that is one fat cat. Cute!
Jasper has been very playful lately. He is a real character.

Thanks to all your input I picked up a Dzn Trader Joe eggs. Tomorrow I'll borrow an incubator from our 4H leader then we're off to the races!

Ron...I love all the green in your egg basket;)
Thanks Wendy! I used one of them when I baked oat meal cookies today. They were very tasty. It must have been the egg right?

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