California - Northern

I took a couple of pictures of yesterdays eggs:

I moved my Coffee Bean roaster under the vent hood to roast some coffee beans and Jasper, the 22 pound Coon Cat mix, jumped into the cupboard! A cord was hanging down so I thought it would make a good picture:

hooray for hummers! the one yesterday was unfortunately stuck in the skylight for HOURS before i figured out how to attach some bird netting to a broom handle -- was way higher than i could reach otherwise, and refused to fly down out of it toward the open door. considering it was also nearly a cat-snack, it had a very fortunate day yesterday.

and speaking of cats:

pearl apparently thinks she's a hen -- watching the baby chicks hatch! still only one black marans out, but three other eggs are pipping...
So glad you got a picture of this. Too cute.
Hello Ron,

Today, one of the HRIRs I got from you laid her first egg, and wanted you to see it. I was surprised as to it's deep dark colour, and large size. The two light colour eggs are from my LF adult hens. I took the photos in two different light settings to capture it's beauty; such a lovely gift!


Beautiful eggs. They look so nice together.
second marans chick is out of the egg -- and it's a duckwing! here is it breaking out:

two isbars still pipping/unzipping, all the other eggs are quiet...
second marans chick is out of the egg -- and it's a duckwing! here is it breaking out:

two isbars still pipping/unzipping, all the other eggs are quiet...

Watch those isbars--They may not be super resistant to buggies germs and parasites in California.
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Still watch them--Inbreeding and etc. From Mary they will be better able to stand California Germs but Sanoma is still a different place.

the same could be said about any breed, i suppose? the one hatched earlier, from eggs shipped from san diego, is about 6 weeks old now and doing great, looking likely to be a pullet...
Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but one I get started on something, I'm a little obsessive. I'm still looking for the surprisingly elusive Leghorn chicks and discovered the California Gray chicken. Also a prolific white egg layer since they're a Leghorn cross. Does anyone have experience with this breed? I love the fact that the breed was started in Modesto (my area).
Well, if you absolutely CANNOT find any, you could do what I - and others have done - by hatching some fertile (eating) eggs sold at Trader Joe's. They are White Leghorn eggs. My Josies are wonderful layers of large white eggs.

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