California - Northern

Beautiful girls and egg. Looks like the egg my splash Marans pullet lays.
Who lays that lovely pink egg?
Such a colorful basket!
I took a couple of pictures of yesterdays eggs:
Beautiful eggs. They look so nice together.
I would like to thank each of you for all the kind comments about my eggs : ) Ron: I love the colors of your eggs. I think the photo would make a lovely card.. Alibra: The pinkish egg is from one of my Orpingtons who is a very pale blue hen. Lual
Well, if you absolutely CANNOT find any, you could do what I - and others have done - by hatching some fertile (eating) eggs sold at Trader Joe's. They are White Leghorn eggs. My Josies are wonderful layers of large white eggs.

There was an auction on ebay for Leghorns.

Trader Joes are fun to hatch.
Hatching Trader Joes works?? I love that idea! We've not hatched out own before. This will be our first.

I don't understand how that could work since the eggs have been refrigerated?
Hatching Trader Joes works?? I love that idea! We've not hatched out own before. This will be our first.

I don't understand how that could work since the eggs have been refrigerated?

There is a thread for hatching trader Joes eggs. You can also hatch eggs from Whole Foods. The Fertile eggs come from Sanoma County so they do not travel fare for Us. I hatched two out of a dozen.

Contact the produce manager and find out when the next egg shipment comes in. Ask that a couple dozen eggs be saved for you. Look at them to make sure they do not have cracks.

Let the eggs come up to room temperature and then start incubating them.
here are the first three hatchlings -- a fourth is still trying to chip its way out of the egg:

the splash on the left is the isbar, then an either dark blue or black marans, & on the right is the duckwing marans -- still fluffing out a bit!

and the duckwing underneath the ecoglow -- with little light feathers on its feet!
here are the first three hatchlings -- a fourth is still trying to chip its way out of the egg:

the splash on the left is the isbar, then an either dark blue or black marans, & on the right is the duckwing marans -- still fluffing out a bit!

and the duckwing underneath the ecoglow -- with little light feathers on its feet!


They are so nice looking!
Wow Laura, look at the feet. It's got to be a boy!

i know, they look huge -- i was so hoping at least one more duckwing would hatch, but so far, all are quiet except for these three plus a fourth (isbar) that's verrrrryyyyy slllloooowwwwllllyyyyy working on getting out of its egg.

and the isbar chick that's already hatched seems to peep non-stop. wish i had a mama hen for them!

edit: i think perhaps it was too cold, even under the ecoglow with its two hatchmates -- i put it back in the incubator, and it instantly fell asleep. (i'd taken them out & put in the brooder earlier, as one of the marans chicks was panting.) in contrast, the two marans are now asleep under the ecoglow.
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Hatching Trader Joes works?? I love that idea! We've not hatched out own before. This will be our first.

I don't understand how that could work since the eggs have been refrigerated?
Yes, they have been washed, shipped, refrigerated and are likely 3+ weeks old as eggs are usually stored in a warehouse for at least 2 weeks before they hit to stores so they are easy to peel and yet from what I hear people often get 50% hatch rates with them. Eggs are pretty amazing.

Now, for all you grammar buffs... how do you like that run on sentence?
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