California - Northern

Daylight savings time starts tonight. More light in the morning but it will be dark before I get home.

My body still can't figure out what time it is... got back from the other side of the world (literally... India, 12.5 hours ahead) last week, and now we have to go and change the clocks!

I'm just a baby--three days after Christmas, 1973.
July 1974
ok so maybe i'm the baby here then.. late 1975. I got the chicken "fever" when i was young. At my grandma's she taught me how to put baby chicks under a hen late at night. She said to make sure it's close to the 21 days. We would go to the feed store and pick out chicks every year. I loved those birds and STILL have the 8-9 rolls of pics i took of them with my parents camera as a kid. Oh, the trouble I got into when my parents developed the film and it was ALL chickens, lol! Got my first incubator when I was about 12. My parents promised whatever I hatched I could keep, not thinking it would work. But it did! Took some time away and got them again in my early 20's. I would call my grandma with all my chicken questions, and I miss her dearly. She said I was the only one who turned out like her and loved animals. That's my story :)

I'm starting to feel like we need to find the youngest person here, and see what the age spread is... I didn't think I was in the young category, but so far I've got you all beat with a spring 1976 birthday.
I got baby chickens for my 37th birthday! My grandma is happy I've finally found something to do that she approves of... she definitely isn't happy about the rock climbing or the motorcycle, and is only ok with some of the dancing.

Hello Ron,
Today, one of the HRIRs I got from you laid her first egg, and wanted you to see it. I was surprised as to it's deep dark colour, and large size. The two light colour eggs are from my LF adult hens. I took the photos in two different light settings to capture it's beauty; such a lovely gift!

Such a colorful basket!

not a chicken, but this little bird was brought indoors by one of the cats this morning and then got stuck in one of the skylights, too high to reach -- finally managed to get it tangled in some bird netting and back outside:

It's a little strange to see a hummingbird without its wings going! We had a hummingbird nest over our balcony a few years ago. It was tiny, and there were two babies! We didn't go outside to see them though, because we were worried we'd scare them or the parents away. We'd just watch them through the sliding glass door, which got dirtier as a number of hummingbirds concentrated their droppings in one place...
It's a little strange to see a hummingbird without its wings going! We had a hummingbird nest over our balcony a few years ago. It was tiny, and there were two babies! We didn't go outside to see them though, because we were worried we'd scare them or the parents away. We'd just watch them through the sliding glass door, which got dirtier as a number of hummingbirds concentrated their droppings in one place...

I've had this same experience, a couple of times in fact.

About 15 years ago I had a hummingbird fly in through an open door and it flew directly into a large window and fell stunned into a houseplant. I picked it up carefully, carried it back outside and placed it on the open hand of my then BF. I grabbed the always available camera and snapped a quick picture before it recovered and flew off.

Another time, even longer ago I had a hummingbird fly into a screen porch and fly into a screen panel. This sounds like a joke, but it impaled it's beak through the screen and was hanging there like it was hanging from a toothpick. Now THAT I wish I had a photo, but I just quickly pulled it from the screen and released it.

They are amazing little birds.
AlpineButterfly, 1976 was when I graduated from high school. I have to agree with grandma, more chickens, less rock climbing and no motorcycle. The motorcycles thing is because of the people driving cars/trucks that don't see you! Oh, dance alot. India sounds like a great place to go see.
hooray for hummers! the one yesterday was unfortunately stuck in the skylight for HOURS before i figured out how to attach some bird netting to a broom handle -- was way higher than i could reach otherwise, and refused to fly down out of it toward the open door. considering it was also nearly a cat-snack, it had a very fortunate day yesterday.

and speaking of cats:

pearl apparently thinks she's a hen -- watching the baby chicks hatch! still only one black marans out, but three other eggs are pipping...
hooray for hummers! the one yesterday was unfortunately stuck in the skylight for HOURS before i figured out how to attach some bird netting to a broom handle -- was way higher than i could reach otherwise, and refused to fly down out of it toward the open door. considering it was also nearly a cat-snack, it had a very fortunate day yesterday.

and speaking of cats:

pearl apparently thinks she's a hen -- watching the baby chicks hatch! still only one black marans out, but three other eggs are pipping...

Cute photo, and watch chicks hatch is ALWAYS exciting.

Gosh, my last chicks are fully feathered.............I think I'm overdue for a hatching fix.
Does anyone in the Modesto/Turlock area have any white egg layers they would like to sell? My Hubby has informed me that he just can't get into the "brown egg thing".

Correction...he wants Leghorn eggs;)


Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but one I get started on something, I'm a little obsessive.

I'm still looking for the surprisingly elusive Leghorn chicks and discovered the California Gray chicken. Also a prolific white egg layer since they're a Leghorn cross. Does anyone have experience with this breed? I love the fact that the breed was started in Modesto (my area).
Wendy! I was going to recommend CA Greys. I don't know who might have them where you are but they are feather sexable at hatch...girls are way darker and you can get them from Privett. I have a CG Pullet who began to lay a day before her 20th week and has given me a lovely white egg each day since. You can get nice ones from Privett hatchery or from Stombergs but what I was told is that Strombergs hatches from eggs laid at the Privett facility. When I received my Privett birds they were all healthy and strong and BIG. They did screw up and send one cockerel but in their defense he was colored like the girls. I would suggest odering from them

beautiful eggs!!

baby chicks are hatching here -- one marans is out, another is pipping, as is an isbar -- hoping more will follow!
YaY!!!!!!! keep us posted!

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