California - Northern

With all the medication, she is likely in need of nutrition.

feather picking is a symptom of Methionine deficiency. Check into increasing it along with higher protein for a couple of weeks. Usually game bird starter is good to use.

She arrived 2 weeks ago with most of the toe-feathers and a few tail feathers we thought were broken during shipping. But she definitely was chewing her ownself. It wasn't an injury but her picking at the toe quills that has made them bleed a couple times. We are feeding the two juveniles 20.3% protein organic chick starter seed mix no soy no gmo plus supplementing w/ boiled eggs, mealworms, sunflower seeds, Rooster Booster, Greek yogurt, etc, so god I hope I'm not overdoing the protein but I was not aware of Methionine deficiency. I'll pick up some Game Bird starter and use it if it has more than 20.3% protein in it.

Breda are so unique and certain health issues seem to plague them from all I've researched and especially during inclement weather conditions - CRD, Bumblefoot, toe feathers breaking off, and now I have the issue of toe-feather and tail feather picking. The Bitter Apple doesn't stop her occasional picking. We thought it was boredom being quarantined so we give her open time in the kitchen which is the best we can do since we don't want the two quarantined juveniles out in the yard quite yet. Next week we are going to put them outdoors in a covered 4x8 dog kennel to get acquainted with the outdoor hens through the kennel walls for a few days. The juveniles will be over 5 m/o when we ultimately blend them into the outdoor flock of 3 hens.

Is Sulfamet a good product to use? Oops spelling is Sulmet used for coccidiosis which we used very briefly for the watery poops. These poor girls really arrived with a lot of issues.
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She arrived 2 weeks ago with most of the toe-feathers and a few tail feathers we thought were broken during shipping. But she definitely was chewing her ownself. It wasn't an injury but her picking at the toe quills that has made them bleed a couple times. We are feeding the two juveniles 20.3% protein organic chick starter seed mix no soy no gmo plus supplementing w/ boiled eggs, mealworms, sunflower seeds, Rooster Booster, Greek yogurt, etc, so god I hope I'm not overdoing the protein but I was not aware of Methionine deficiency. I'll pick up some Game Bird starter and use it if it has more than 20.3% protein in it.

Breda are so unique and certain health issues seem to plague them from all I've researched and especially during inclement weather conditions - CRD, Bumblefoot, toe feathers breaking off, and now I have the issue of toe-feather and tail feather picking. The Bitter Apple doesn't stop her occasional picking. We thought it was boredom being quarantined so we give her open time in the kitchen which is the best we can do since we don't want the two quarantined juveniles out in the yard quite yet. Next week we are going to put them outdoors in a covered 4x8 dog kennel to get acquainted with the outdoor hens through the kennel walls for a few days. The juveniles will be over 5 m/o when we ultimately blend them into the outdoor flock of 3 hens.

Is Sulfamet a good product to use? Oops spelling is Sulmet used for coccidiosis which we used very briefly for the watery poops. These poor girls really arrived with a lot of issues.
Look at the methionine level in the feed- some organic feeds do not have as much as they should. 20% protein should be good but eggs and yogurt actually do not have that much protein in it. It is easy to throw nutrition off--for two weeks, give them nothing but the game bird feed.

If the feather picking is still going on after two weeks, send in a manure sample for a float test. It really does sound like they had a rough time.

I have read that slufa drugs can be hard on birds.
Look at the methionine level in the feed- some organic feeds do not have as much as they should. 20% protein should be good but eggs and yogurt actually do not have that much protein in it. It is easy to throw nutrition off--for two weeks, give them nothing but the game bird feed.

If the feather picking is still going on after two weeks, send in a manure sample for a float test. It really does sound like they had a rough time.

I have read that slufa drugs can be hard on birds.

Thank you very much for all the info. Yeah, the Sulmet had careful instructions and I followed them to the "T" - we're off to the feed store now and wonder if we should add some feather-building supplement as well.

The Greek yogurt is Trader Joe's 23% protein which is the best protein yield we found in Greek yogurt. We're doing the boiled eggs because every breeder I've ordered from has recommended it for their juveniles. Mealworms are 50% protein.

I was raised on a farm, have had birds like parrots, English & American budgerigars, cocktiels, we bred Persian cats, have had several pure-bred dogs, and now have had my own little hen flock for 4 yrs and every year I find I know less and less - haha! My vet is on vacation for 2 weeks and the substitute vets know nothing about birds.

Today is the last day of medication for the Breda. she's so sweet and I hate putting the syringe down her throat every day. I have to wait for 2 weeks for a followup visit and lab tests.

New here .... technically in "Central CA" .... but was told I can come join the fun over here :)

I'm a new hen mommy - four 2 week old pullets :) Learning LOTS of this site!!! Wonderful resources.

Anyway ... HI!
That is so cool.
Thanks! I think it's pretty awesome too. He worked production for a paint/stain company for 17 years but it was bought out last year and the new company shut down the plant. We had the option to relocate to Victorville or Reno but chose to stay where we are and take a chance on starting a new path. He is so talented; in less than a year he is now building his 6th ukulele; has designed and built several tonge drums and is always coming up with new ideas. I just love coming home every day to see him and our 3 year old daughter covered in sawdust and dirt!


New here .... technically in "Central CA" .... but was told I can come join the fun over here :)

I'm a new hen mommy - four 2 week old pullets :) Learning LOTS of this site!!! Wonderful resources.

Anyway ... HI!
and the best thread here! We'd love to see pictures of your girls and please feel free to ask any and all questions. There are some amazing people here with a TON of knowledge.

New here .... technically in "Central CA" .... but was told I can come join the fun over here :)

I'm a new hen mommy - four 2 week old pullets :) Learning LOTS of this site!!! Wonderful resources.

Anyway ... HI!

HI - this is a great thread because it is very active and there are more chickeneers in Northern CA than in the rest of the state. I keep up with the Southern CA thread for local news but this Northern thread has a lot of experienced breeders/owners to learn from and share with!
The scrap built outside brooder/grower cages Excuse the old campaign signs the wind is pretty bad still
The bachelor pad

The Sorority house.

Going to cut a window in the girls door when the wind dies down

90% scraps. (A few cheap lenolium stick tiles on the floor and fasteners)
The top is open and its under the eaves so it wont get too hot during the last few week they will have to be in it.

My saw skills need lots of work but fortunately it didnt have to look pretty. They shouldn't have to be here more than 6 weeks before transitioning to a perm pen;
The scrap built outside brooder/grower cages Excuse the old campaign signs the wind is pretty bad still
The bachelor pad

The Sorority house.

Going to cut a window in the girls door when the wind dies down

90% scraps. (A few cheap lenolium stick tiles on the floor and fasteners)
The top is open and its under the eaves so it wont get too hot during the last few week they will have to be in it.

My saw skills need lots of work but fortunately it didnt have to look pretty. They shouldn't have to be here more than 6 weeks before transitioning to a perm pen;
Looking good Chris! Gotta love anything free or upcycled.

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