California - Northern

I haven't posted on here forever, but I try to read a little now and then.

Zooweemamma, how is your puppy doing with your family and your chickens? I had someone recommend a pitbull to protect the property.

Ron, did I read that the Sheriff made you get rid of your roosters? I hope not! This interests me because I have 2 silkie roosters that I bring inside every morning (b/n 6:30-9). They do crow now and then during the day, but I'm hoping nobody hears them. No complaints yet.
I hope you guys see this post. I know this thread is a busy one and questions sometimes get buried.

Can you believe my Buff Orpington is broody AGAIN! This is her 5th time this year. She has been sitting on pine shavings for about 18 days......poor girl. I'm planning on picking up 3 Gold Sex Link pullets at the feed store today. They said they just hatched yesterday. She adopted a Welsummer chick and hatched 2 Trader Joe eggs a few months ago so I'm pretty sure she'll take these babies. First I have to re-organize the coop by building 2 levels of perches and making a special place for Buffy and her babies. We have a bossy Barred Rock that keeps chasing (and pecking) everyone away from her at night..........She'll be sorry this winter when nobody wants to sit next to her in the cold! I'll check in later and maybe even post pictures of the Big-Girl coop.
I haven't posted on here forever, but I try to read a little now and then.

Zooweemamma, how is your puppy doing with your family and your chickens? I had someone recommend a pitbull to protect the property.

Ron, did I read that the Sheriff made you get rid of your roosters? I hope not! This interests me because I have 2 silkie roosters that I bring inside every morning (b/n 6:30-9). They do crow now and then during the day, but I'm hoping nobody hears them. No complaints yet.
I hope you guys see this post. I know this thread is a busy one and questions sometimes get buried.

Can you believe my Buff Orpington is broody AGAIN! This is her 5th time this year. She has been sitting on pine shavings for about 18 days......poor girl. I'm planning on picking up 3 Gold Sex Link pullets at the feed store today. They said they just hatched yesterday. She adopted a Welsummer chick and hatched 2 Trader Joe eggs a few months ago so I'm pretty sure she'll take these babies. First I have to re-organize the coop by building 2 levels of perches and making a special place for Buffy and her babies. We have a bossy Barred Rock that keeps chasing (and pecking) everyone away from her at night..........She'll be sorry this winter when nobody wants to sit next to her in the cold! I'll check in later and maybe even post pictures of the Big-Girl coop.
Hi cali chick!

Congratulations on the Broody Hen. How old is she? I read that they go broody more in their first year so maybe she will be less broody next year.

The City of Woodland contracts out Animal Services to the County, so the rules are enforced by a Sheriff. Either one of my Neighbors turned me in, or more likely the Sheriff was having lunch at the park and heard one of them. I had a very noisy little Cream Legbar that now lives in San Jose with Chiquita. He is so loud that sometime if I listen real hard I think I can still hear him...Chiquita named him Orlando for his floppy comb.

I was taking them in at dusk and letting them out at 7:30 on weekdays and 8:30 on weekends. Hopefully yours won't be loud enough for Animal control to hear them while they eat lunch....

I did get to throw a dozen eggs into the incubator and hatched out 9 beautiful little guys. I had an SG Dorking in with my layers.


If you are going to use pallets for the flooring I would raise them off the groung with concrete blocks.  Our first coop is a converted shed, during the wet winters and springs rodents moved under the floor.  We had a hard time getting rid of them.  I ended up trenching around three sides and burying 1/2" aviary wire.  Rats would come in for food at night and run across the roosts over their feet, really cuts down on laying when stressed like that.

I have the gromet edges of old traps zip tied to the wire on the lower 20" around mine and old greenhouse plastic covering it.  That way the girls can't get to the plastic to eat it and it stops the splash from making the edges all muddy.  Mine get so warm in the winter that I leave the top of my gates open to allow for air-movement

Not sure how much snow Anderson gets but it doesn't take much to break pvc pipe.  Maybe add a wooden frame to the back and brace between gate framing and the back in case it does come down or just sags with weight.  My folks live out past Oak Run and will get 3' regularly in the winter so I always try to keep snow load in mind.

Ok. I will get concrete blocks before I do the floor.

Thanks for the tip about the snow.

Dies my hay bale and tarp sound good for insulating?
Hi cali chick!

Congratulations on the Broody Hen. How old is she? I read that they go broody more in their first year so maybe she will be less broody next year.

The City of Woodland contracts out Animal Services to the County, so the rules are enforced by a Sheriff. Either one of my Neighbors turned me in, or more likely the Sheriff was having lunch at the park and heard one of them. I had a very noisy little Cream Legbar that now lives in San Jose with Chiquita. He is so loud that sometime if I listen real hard I think I can still hear him...Chiquita named him Orlando for his floppy comb.

I was taking them in at dusk and letting them out at 7:30 on weekdays and 8:30 on weekends. Hopefully yours won't be loud enough for Animal control to hear them while they eat lunch....

I did get to throw a dozen eggs into the incubator and hatched out 9 beautiful little guys. I had an SG Dorking in with my layers.


Aww, that's too bad you had to part with the boys. At least you don't have to worry about them crowing anymore. haha-that's funny about still hearing Orlando! My in-laws live down there, so if I go visit, I'll listen for him too.

I don't think my silkies are that loud, but someone could still complain. Elkhorn Blvd is on the other side of our (20ft) block wall so the traffic and brake squeaks help to drown out the roosters. I'm only hanging onto them because they will make gorgeous daddy's in my Blue/Black/Splash breeding pen. So far, my one Blue hen doesn't want anything to do with them. I should probably do AI (just in case I do have to get rid of the boys.) It was interesting the other morning when it was raining........I put them out early (at 8) and they didn't crow all day. Perhaps the rain and wind was pre-occupying their thoughts, so they didn't crow.

By the way, we were up in Woodland the other day. My husband was dropping off something at the Syar Concrete plant and then we decided to go to the Woodland DMV. He thought the Woodland DMV office would be less busy than the Roseville DMV........NOT!
We still had a 3 hour wait!
Hey everyone!
I hope you all are happy healthy and enjoying the sunshine!
We should have some new LF Palomino Brahmas arriving in the next few days too post pictures of!
Been getting everything dried off after the storms! (hail,rain,wind,lighting) woke up and saw the mountains snowed on. I can't believe its almost winter already!
Amy Beth congratulations on the photo contest!

Oh! Does anyone have any ideas how to winterize hoop coops?

So far I have hay bales stacked up on the sides with another bigger tarp covering the bales and coop. The wind still blew rain inside from the front side AMD back side. So I'm rethinking my plans.
Also I got 30 pallets to set all the hoop coops up on so they are not on the ground.
I was thinking of building a little mini house for inside the hoop coops so they have extra weather protection.
These things work REALLY good in the summer time. Just need a few more ideas to make it winter safe.

I had tarps over my runs last year and it was a disaster. The grommets tore and the tarp was blown to pieces. I was only grateful the chicken had a coop to jump into.

If you do use tarps, I think I would attatch wire to the corners of the hog panel and run them vertically to hold the tarp every couple foot or so to hold to release the pressure from the grommets. If wind can get inside coop it will want out. You may also want to tack down entire hoop coop with rebar or tposts to the ground. A strong wind could catch tarp and pick up coop. Maybe I am over thinking this as we live in a wind tunnel and I have seen what hight gust wind can do.

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