California - Northern

...I drove to Chico(90 miles one war) to get the non-soy start and grow for the five Australorps. They did very well with it and it cost $27.00.
The price from Higbys was $33.00 for 50#'s. I can live with that since I only have 10 chickens.
... has monthly delivery routes throughout most of Calif (& many other states), & carries Cascade Farms wonderful organic corn/soy free feed. There's a thread with more on it but I can't find it right now. Their website only tells you prices after you sign up, but it's $28/50# fresh & healthy. Some folks mix it with yogurt or kefir to prevent waste; when I have fewer chickens I'll do that but for now only the babies get it mixed.
If you like what they have, they can refer you to a group to join; each group needs to spend $500/month, and with all the other stuff (groceries to fencing & farm supply) they carry, sometimes we come close to that ourselves. I know our group never has trouble meeting the 500 mark.
...Currently using King feed, out of King City, Pro-Am Layer & Show 'n Grow , available in Lodi & Sacto I believe, due to price/current # of birds. They are coming out with a full organic line, and soy free (maybe wheat free soon if we keep asking!) next month. Their mini pellets are great, & the feed smells good.
River Valley Feed in Rio Linda carries a good organic mix for $25/50 lb. If you want to buy in bulk, I believe you can buy directly through Modesto Milling. Another option for bulk is Elk Grove Milling. My cousin raises organic beef and swears by them.
Thanks for the tips on getting Poultry Feed in my area.

I might join Azurestandard.

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Some pictures from today!

This is my lone Pene girl, Frannie. I think she has fluff for brains, she gets spooked really easily and walks around like she has no idea where she's at all the time.


But I love her.

My Wheaten Marans, Frenchie... very original, I know.


My Splash, Dolly.


She was dustbathing!


So! My Ameraucana hen hatched 3 OE eggs that she was sitting on, plus I slipped chicks from the incubator underneath her. She also incubated two of my sex linked EE eggs and they both hatched as well.
That puts 7 little peeps underneath momma tonight. One is a Splash OE, there is one I think is a dark blue and 3 that I think are black? They could be darker blue, too. One of the darker chicks is a red head!


This is Thelma, my only Black English Orpington. I tell her she's "big boned" when the other chickens make fun of her size.


Two of my Blues, I love when they dust bathe, they turn into blue balls o' fluff and make craters in the yard!


Oh! We also have Hummers who have built a nest in our yard!

The momma.


They're cute lil' nest.

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Oh, Jeremy, I was gonna tell you, the 2 little blue wheaten ameraucanas that Linda gave me that she hatched from your eggs... those are just the SWEETEST birds with the nicest disposition, despite the fact that they're stuck in a brooder with Carl's Jr. (a little cocky cockerel we hatched at the same time as the BWAs). They're feathering in GORGEOUS, too. As soon as I can get good pics, I'll post them.
Jeremy, Dolly is looking GREAT! I will post a pic of Lil Joe soon (and the two Splash Marans girls that I kept), who is crowing, crowing, crowing now. But what a nice boy! Very respectful. Hoping for fertile eggs by July-ish.
I would love to see pictures!

Dawn... eggs by June-ish? Oh, dear. I am going to be in trouble.
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I have over a million eggs in the incubator hatching this week!!

These are the breeds I will have available if anyone "needs" more chicks. They all come from some of the best breeders in the country and the coronation sussex are Sir Giles progeny, They will be vaccinated as well.

Welsummer and black olive eggers from pinkchick
Barred Olive Egger from hipeatall
Silver Pencilled Plymouth Rocks from Wynette
Coronation Sussex from Sir Giles flock
Blue, Black, Splash Orpingtons from Gumpsgirl

and lastly directly from the inventor of the laced brahmas Dan Powell, I've got hatching

Buff laced Brahmas
Gold laced Brahmas
Silver laced Brahmas
Hello fellow N. CAs! I'm looking for homes for my two Khaki Campbell drakes and since no one is responding to my CL add I was hoping to find someone here and try to freecycle them also. they are about 11 weeks old. I need to find them a good home!
Here they are molting



I love them, but we just don't have the room or need for them.

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