California - Northern

My Saturday

Worked on the coop for about 10 minutes today when MIL texted me to remind me, for the third time, to show the kiddos some hooded towels that were on sale that she had been wanting to buy for them. :rolleyes: So decided to go inside and show them the darn pictures while my husband worked on the trim (coop's almost done!).

Annoying shopping chore done, I went back outside to find my husband laying in the dirt on his back. I mentally freaked out for about half a second when I saw that he had gotten out our extension ladder, and it was leaning on the high side of the coop, which is just above a 4' retaining wall. (Think 12'+ drop from the top of the ladder, to the bottom of the retaining wall) However, he was conscious, and while he did look like he was in pain, he wasn't rolling around screaming and grabbing at limbs or open fractures. Half-second mental freak out over, I calmly asked if he was okay. :) Turns out when he was going back into the garage to get something, he jumped down off the retaining wall and landed wrong, injuring his knee. So, I asked him if this was a A) call for an ambulance injury, B) take him in the car to the ER injury, or a C) wait a few minutes for the pain to stop, and then get up injury. His answers were no, maybe, no. At which point I called the in-laws to put them on standby for childcare, and got him some ice for his knee.

While laying on the ground icing his knee and trying to decide if he needed to go to the ER, I worked on the trim. A few minutes and discussion later, it was decided that he would go to the immediate care clinic in Medford, instead of the ER in Yreka. Fortuitously, in-laws showed up at this point to check on their boy, and were put in charge of wrangling children.

An hour drive later, we were in Medford filling out paperwork at the walk in clinic. At which point I ditched him to go to the feed store. :D Come on! Admiring cute chickies, or watching your SO fill out paperwork? You know you'd do the same! Cute chickies and the purchase of ANOTHER 50# bag of crumbles later, I was back in the waiting room. This time by myself, as he was in the midst of getting x-rays. After an unknown amount of time (I had gotten sucked into my newly downloaded ebook), he gimped out with the diagnosis of "sprained knee." Much better than when he injured his other knee, ten years ago.

Panda Express dinner and CostCo gas later, we were back on the road for the hour drive back to Yreka. Got home around 7:30, just in time to toss the kiddos in the tub and drink a beer.

So, that was my day. Hopefully everyone had a better one!
I went to the Small Animal Exchange in Orangevale today. I took 7 of the Bresse but did not sell any of them. A lot of people were intersted but they did not know what they were. Next time I will have information printed and bring Business cards. Janet suggested that I put an ad on Craigs List letting them know I will be at the exchange and what I will have.

It was a lot of fun! My Middle DD bought a Rabbit:

CapayValleyChick was there and I got to see a Rooster that I hatched last year!

The next Animal Exchange is in May.

I thought that must have been you! I was wondering who else locally would have that many bresse for sale, let alone have bresse at all. I showed up near the end with my hubby just to see what was going on. I'm definitely going back in May, it was a fun little exchange. That big Dorking male was absolutely stunning, makes me wish even more that I could have Roos.
The Orpington looks pretty light from this view... I would say splash...

Thanks for the response, she is pretty light but I'm not super fussed about it either way, mainly just curious.

I'm really enjoying having the chicks, even if I might be slightly more stressed worrying that I'm taking care of them properly. Unfortunately, I'm leaving tomorrow night for a week to attend a family funeral in England. My live-in boyfriend will be taking care of the chicks; I've been trying to school him on everything I can think of so he's prepared for any scenario. I feel bad that I'm putting the chicks on him so soon into having them but this trip came up after I'd committed to having the chicks. I think he'll do fine taking care of them, he managed to get through my pasty butt tutorial and explanation of prolapsed vents without grimacing or running away. I'll take that as a good sign :)
I'm hoping I'll be able to socialize with the chicks more when I get back, I'm sad I'm gonna be missing out on a whole week this early on. I'm also going to miss out on keeping up with this thread. I hope everyone's remaining hatches go well and that all the new chicks are providing plenty of entertainment
An hour drive later, we were in Medford filling out paperwork at the walk in clinic. At which point I ditched him to go to the feed store.
Come on! Admiring cute chickies, or watching your SO fill out paperwork? You know you'd do the same! Cute chickies and the purchase of ANOTHER 50# bag of crumbles later, I was back in the waiting room. This time by myself, as he was in the midst of getting x-rays. After an unknown amount of time (I had gotten sucked into my newly downloaded ebook), he gimped out with the diagnosis of "sprained knee." Much better than when he injured his other knee, ten years ago.

So glad to hear hubby is ok, but I must have this chicken sickness bad!
I went to the Small Animal Exchange in Orangevale today. I took 7 of the Bresse but did not sell any of them. A lot of people were intersted but they did not know what they were. Next time I will have information printed and bring Business cards. Janet suggested that I put an ad on Craigs List letting them know I will be at the exchange and what I will have.

It was a lot of fun! My Middle DD bought a Rabbit:

CapayValleyChick was there and I got to see a Rooster that I hatched last year!

The next Animal Exchange is in May.

That roo is gorgeous. I would love to take another roo at this point. but can only keep one more and I am planning on him being in one of the eggs upstairs.

Only two ray eggs remain. One from an Australorp girl on one from a Red Star girl but there are 5 other laying mixes from my uncle, 10 misc from ChooksChick and 5 Dorkings from Beth Bug.

I pulled the clears and have determined that at least I know what those look like. I eggtopsied and they all looked just like regular eggs inside. One looked like it had started to develop but had quit before veining. Big obvious bullseye but noting more after 8 days.

I have separated my egg eater. Nabbed her when I let them out this morning and put her in the 20 x20 pen that my new kids are going to have as a run. She can see everyone else but she can't get to the nest boxes. It's a nice pen full of bugs and places to dust bathe. She has food, water oyster shell and a dogloo whee she can lay if she feels the urge. In her dogloo I put a white plastic easter egg that I had taped close with rocks inside. She won't be rewarded for pecking that! Thanks Deb for the advice on this!

DH is with me on freezer camp. Now we just need someone to do it. Maybe she will reform. I have two golf balls, two mango seeds in the nest boxes in the coop. And today at least I will be able to get out and collect eggs several times

Enjoy your Sundays!
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