California - Northern

My Legbars lay a completely true (and huge) blue egg. There is no hint of green to them. In fact, I went to a breeder to pick up Isbar eggs and they showed me some Legbar eggs while I was there. I talked about those eggs all the way home in the car. Then I emailed for them to save them for me too and went back a couple of weeks later for them. They are truly an amazing egg to see. I sometimes throw one into the carton when I sell eating eggs, people are always thrilled with them. The color is lovely and you can barely close the carton around them.

Quote: Yes, a beautiful blue egg. Mine laid a few pullet eggs, then she super sized them.

x 2

Absolutely they had mixed in something. True Araucana do not lay anything but blue eggs.

Ancona are a dark chicken (usually black) with white speckles, full tail and lay white eggs.
Anyone read the Oregon thread too? I do sometimes but I just caught a few posts about a. Upper resp disease. Transferred by letting people walk through your property? And by obviously bringing in new birds that have it. Scary!!!
Anyone read the Oregon thread too? I do sometimes but I just caught a few posts about a. Upper resp disease. Transferred by letting people walk through your property? And by obviously bringing in new birds that have it. Scary!!!

Yes, bio security is very important. I do not wear my regular shoes out with the chickens. All new chickens get a two week quarantine. I also like to hatch my own eggs. There are some things that can be passed from the eggs to the chick but not that much. The infection that is easily passed from flocks does not transfer.

I have sent ones that have died in to UCD for Necropsy to make sure my flock does not have things like that.
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Yes, bio security is very important. I do not wear my regular shoes out with the chickens. All new chickens get a two week quarantine. I also like to hatch my own eggs. There are some things that can be passed from the eggs to the chick but not that much. The infection that is easily passed from flocks does not transfer.

I have sent ones that have died in to UCD for Necropsy to make sure my flock does not have things like that.
Ya it has me totally freaked out. No doubt buying from NPIP sellers is best, but even they can have something they're not aware of since being tested :/ needless to say nobody in my chicken area and no new birds until after 2-3 weeks of being watched.
ShanShan has Aracaunas that lay blue eggs. She is in Vacaville and runs Die Fly Ranch:

I have been tempted to go pick up some hatching eggs from her flock.....
Thank you so much for the information. I will email them to be put on the list for next year. I can drive there to pick up. Thanks again!
love reading on here all the stories when I get a chance! I had a nice surprise tonight. I was putting away my chickens for the night and couldn't find my gold partridge brahma roo. He must weight 12-13 pounds so usually not hard to find. i looked everywhere and then while walking back toward the house I noticed this looming blob over my head on the roof of my barn... yep, my massive partridge brahma roo was perched with the ameracaunas and easter eggers on top of my barn. These are the birds that people only give a 2-3 foot roost so they don't break something while jumping down. I'll let you know if he has a broken leg in the morning. :) but, wow, I was amazed!!!
glad to report he is down without any major incidents. :) and seemingly no worse for the adventure. I may have to try and catch him and lock him in the coop for a few days to break that habit!! :)

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