California - Northern

The Canada goose that my yearling geese adopted when it stumbled onto our property parentless and still covered in down.

My goose, Waffles, being silly.

Dumpling. Sweetest hen we have. Ron- this was from the set you gave us. I adore this girl. She will be bred with my CL boys for sweet natured, pretty egged Eggers. lol
Stunning as always.
Yes, I have two week olds chicks and 4 day or chicks. I am embarressed to say but I am keeping em all. LOL I also have a batch in the bator. Thankfully those are all spoken for as I am hatching for two other people.

Yes Laura, you are one of them. I only managed to collect 6 CL eggs for you tho so hopefully you'll get enough girls.
I may need to talk to you about getting a Wellie cockerel!
I have 3 pullets who have just started laying but the cockerel disappeared from the farm a couple months ago. I love these girls! They are so friendly and their feathers are so soft. My only complaint is that they won't go into the coop in the evening with the other girls. They wait on the patio for me to carry them to bed!
If Happy Chooks does not have a wellie roo available for you, I do. I have two sweet boys looking for a home. They hatched 6/11. My original breeding stock came from Whitmore Farm in 2010.
I wish that I had the time to groom my girls but alas real life is demanding! I also recently found out that I have PMLE (polymorphous light eruption) commonly referred to as a sun allergy. I try not to go outside at all between the hours of 9 AM and 4-5 PM. My doctor wants me to be wearing UPF clothing even in the house. It has been a hard life adjustment because I love being outdoors!
So sorry to hear about your allergy. That's gotta be tough.
Quote: I know some medications can cause sun sensitivity. I know Sun can make Vitamin D - which is used up when you are in pain or are sick - but I am unsure if a lack of it in your body can cause rashes from over-reaction to the process that makes it.. Just something to think about. I wish more "health professionals" would do tests on what you are lacking - it seems they miss tests that can show a lot of information. I am lacking an essential mineral. I know because if I forget to take my multi-vitamin/multi-mineral tablets I am wiped out at 2 p.m. - if I take them I can make it through the day. I don't know which one it is - but it isn't in the multi-vitamin tablets because they don't work.

Quote: HOORAY! That is a great hatch from shipped eggs.

Your Porcelain/Chipmunk one - is it bright Partridge or a very light Partridge color? I have seen Lavender Silkies born looking faintly Chipmunk - its because the Lavender is over the Partridge gene (e+ I suspect). If your Porcelain is dark Partridge its possibly it doesn't have two Lavender genes.. but that can be fixed next generation - I believe that color is still a "work in progress".

Only day 21... Yes - they have 4 more days to come out and play. I still say that is an amazing hatch - and you did get your Porcelain!

Is there a name for this color? Is it wheaten blue? This isn't my bird but it is what she looks like.
That color is called Really Pretty. EEs don't really have color "names". The closest I would guess genetically is Wild type/Partridge/Lacing/Blue. e+ with Blue.
I know some medications can cause sun sensitivity. I know Sun can make Vitamin D - which is used up when you are in pain or are sick - but I am unsure if a lack of it in your body can cause rashes from over-reaction to the process that makes it.. Just something to think about. I wish more "health professionals" would do tests on what you are lacking - it seems they miss tests that can show a lot of information. I am lacking an essential mineral. I know because if I forget to take my multi-vitamin/multi-mineral tablets I am wiped out at 2 p.m. - if I take them I can make it through the day. I don't know which one it is - but it isn't in the multi-vitamin tablets because they don't work.
The dermatologist went through the list of everything that could cause it. I already had the list from my own research and had narrowed it down to PMLE or lupus. I take no medications unless I am sick which I haven't been. I might take 1-2 Tylenol per month and that's it. And the only things I put on my skin are very, very mild cleansing products. I'm going to have to do some research on Vitamin D, though! May have to increase the amount of dark greens that I am eating!
Is there a name for this color? Is it wheaten blue? This isn't my bird but it is what she looks like.
She is pretty! I love the surprise coloring with mixed breeds! I have a big pullet that I hatched from mixed eggs from chiqita. I'm not sure what this girl has in her but she is big like an Orp with feathered legs. She is currently broody with a capital B. I may give her a few of the chicks that are due to hatch on Sat if I can figure out a secure place for her to raise them.

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