California - Northern

Can I make a confession?

...I've never wormed... Where do I start? How often should one worm and at what age? :O

Me neither......never even thought about it. I think I need to do that this week......
If you do not send a manure sample in for a float test and the chickens are outside on the ground, they should be wormed at 4 months old at least.

It is better to float test them. A sample can be sent in to UCD and the cost is about $11.00. The results come back in a couple of days.


UC DAVIS FEDEX INFO: Their account # is 364343981. If you use their account number you will get to use UC Davis's discount which is up to 70% off. They said that they will bill you for the shipment after you get the report (or at the same time.) Also, FedEx and UPS both ship to the actual lab every day... the Postal Service doesn't.

Valbazen is the wormer most recommend now for chickens. It is off label so you have to find instructions and dosage.

Let me know if you need help finding the instructions.
ya, if you are anti useing medicine if you don't need it, just poo test. Ok, float test sounds better. we are lucky in california Davis wants to know everything about every chicken in the state! Our tax dollars at work!
If you do not send a manure sample in for a float test and the chickens are outside on the ground, they should be wormed at 4 months old at least.

It is better to float test them. A sample can be sent in to UCD and the cost is about $11.00. The results come back in a couple of days.


UC DAVIS FEDEX INFO: Their account # is 364343981. If you use their account number you will get to use UC Davis's discount which is up to 70% off. They said that they will bill you for the shipment after you get the report (or at the same time.) Also, FedEx and UPS both ship to the actual lab every day... the Postal Service doesn't.

Valbazen is the wormer most recommend now for chickens. It is off label so you have to find instructions and dosage.

Let me know if you need help finding the instructions.

Thanks, Ron! I am not finding anything on how the sample should be prepared before sending it in. What should it be put in? Does it need to be refrigerated? Amount needed? Do you know where I can find this information?
Thanks, Ron! I am not finding anything on how the sample should be prepared before sending it in. What should it be put in? Does it need to be refrigerated? Amount needed? Do you know where I can find this information?

Double zip lock bag it. They do not need much, a half full sandwhich bag but it should be a sample of poo from your flock. It should be collected in the morning and sent or dropped off that day. Do not use USPS.

Call them up for the correct form and better instructions. I drop off samples to them since I work on the other side of the Campus from them.
Double zip lock bag it. They do not need much, a half full sandwhich bag but it should be a sample of poo from your flock. It should be collected in the morning and sent or dropped off that day. Do not use USPS.

Call them up for the correct form and better instructions. I drop off samples to them since I work on the other side of the Campus from them.
Will do, Ron! Thanks for the info!
So if you can picture a hen colored like a dark-bodied Welsummer but with white ears and lays white eggs, what breed could she be? (Sorry I have no pics of her yet.)

edit: pretty sure she's a brown leghorn after a quick search
Yep, brown leghorn.

Can I make a confession?

...I've never wormed... Where do I start? How often should one worm and at what age? :O
I never had either, until my hens started looking really thin and I saw worms in their poop. Then I started worming once a year. This year I had a bird necropsied and the results came back with a small worm load, so I figure if one had it, they all do. I've wormed 1 flock, but haven't done the other one yet. (been sick)

Valbazen is the wormer most recommend now for chickens. It is off label so you have to find instructions and dosage.
1/2 cc for a large chicken, 1/4 cc for a juvenile or bantam. I've been very happy with Valbazen. I've also used Ivomec (pour on). With both, toss the eggs for 14 days. (I'm feeding mine to my dog)
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They get something green each day and King Feed Freedom Starter or Layer and Lots of clean water. I do give them Big Ole Bird. It is a pro biotic sold by Southland Organics. They get it starting at 2 weeks old. I need to give them some this week. BOB is mixed into their water for two days, every two weeks.
Thank you Ron

...and this is just too funny not to share

Livin' the Dream!!
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