California - Northern

how much the eggs would be and we will go from there!

no charge for the eggs. Let me send the chico person a message to see if she minds. :)
Congratulations on the new baby in the family! How very exciting :) Your birds are beautiful and the eggs so fun - thank you for sharing. I noticed the one in front with her tail down. Is she rumpless?
Thank you! Nope, she's just not sure about the whole having her photo taken thing!
Oh she's cute!! Yeah the eyes are light, but that doesn't bother me. Is she pretty quiet? Docile?
She is a sweetie! She isn't as friendly as the Pita Pintas but she doesn't run away from me. She actually is low bird in the coop she is in but she is the only "white" bird among the black Pita Pinta/Cream Legbar mixes and the 4 Pita Pintas. She is also quiet but hasn't starting laying yet so who knows how loudly she will sing after laying an egg.
I also love to use that tray as a color palette, thanks for sharing yours!
I see you are torturing your chicks with a garden they can't quite reach...
Best wishes for your family and the new baby.
I planted trombetta squash this year and they grow & vine like crazy! The chickens get all the leaves that stick through the fence and then get to clean up the area after the plants are through producing. The hoop area that this group is in was originally supposed to be the garden area but it got repurposed! We have our two big garden areas fenced in instead of having the chickens fenced in.
Without malice or prejudice I really wish we would not indulge in mystical and elusive abbreviations. What is an oe? Then there is the case of calling a bird a sex link. Sex linkage is a genetic condition and not a specific type nor an identifier of a bird's ancestry. There are an array of birds derived from breedings utilizing sex linkage: red stars, black stars, etc. and 15 or 20 more. Thus the term as an identifier is a waste of everybody's time and is of no value. I urge my fellow chicken nuts to use a little more precision in descriptive language otherwise many, if not most, of the readers have no idea what one is talking about. Stated respectfully for contemplation and consideration as I am generally very fond of this forum and its contributors. Do you agree?
Neal, the Zooman
I have no problem with being more careful with acronyms, but I don't see using certain 'brand names' for sex linked chicks as being more accurate. Different hatcheries use different names for the same mix (or the same name for slightly different mixes) and some breeders and hatcheries just sell them as red/black/brown/golden Sex Links. If anything, I think calling them sex links is more accurate in that it is less likely to confuse newer folks about whether or not it is actually a breed (although I have had several people think they had a breed of chicken called Sexlings and were surprised when they didn't breed true/produce autosexing chicks, lol).
I try, but often fail, to do:

See the picture of my Partridge Penedesenca (PP) and then use PP in the rest of the post. That way those reading the post will know what I am talking about.

I hatched some Crested Cream Legbar (CCL) chicks this week. It looks like I have three pullets and four cockerels. CCLs are funny. They are much quieter than most of the chicks I hatch.

I think this is the best way to approach it. It is clear and concise. Most people wouldn't have trouble following a post about a Rhode Island White (RIW) that only used RIW for the rest of the post.
My oldest daughter is in the hospital in labor with her first baby!
I am trying to keep myself occupied until I get the "get down here right now" call. Her husband is a private person and I'm trying to respect his wishes.

So, I've been taking chicken and egg pics. Sorry if I overwhelm the thread but it does keep me busy!

My Pita Pinta/Cream Legbar cross pullets just started laying eggs this past week. I think that I have 3 laying right now.

The 3 blue eggs at the top of the plate are Cream Legbar eggs and all the green eggs are pullet eggs from my new layers. I'm thrilled with the color!

Pita Pinta/Cream Legbar mix eggs compared to a Cream Legbar egg

Here are some of the possible layers of the beautiful green eggs:

Beautiful eggs, congrats on the new family member on the way!
I've only had chickens for 4 1/2 years but have had 5 cases of Mareks in that time period.  Only 1 was the tumor kind and it was a 2 yr old hatchery Speckled Sussex who had been vaccinated at the hatchery.  The other 4 cases were all French Black Copper Marans and they came down with the paralysis form at 6-10 weeks.  I have not had a single case of it in the past 1 1/2 yr but I've also stopped trying to raise FBCM.  I have hatched out around 200 Pita Pinta, Pita Pinta mix,  and Langshan chicks this year with no Mareks.  Perhaps my 2 chosen breeds have some natural resistance to it?  My flock here in town yard ranges my 1/3 acre yard and there are lots of trees and bushes so lots of wild birds.  I swear that we are a migration stop over point for several kinds of birds so there is no way to prevent my birds from having contact with wild bird droppings, etc.

That makes sense. And I think with the delta where you are, you are right about migration
I know!  I was so excited when I got the first one!  I do have a pullet that is a Pita Pinta/Olive Egger cross (3/4 Black Copper Marans/1/2 Ameraucana) but she isn't old enough to be laying so they are not her eggs.  I'm looking forward to seeing what color of eggs she will lay!
congrats on the baby!
And I love those pita pinta/ CL crosses. Beautiful and they have crests too!!
Finally got a new camera:) I only had my " flip phone" or an iPad to take pictures with for the last few months.

First chicken pics with the new camera.

I'm still learning how to use it. But, I got some pictures of my son at soccer last night and I managed to catch clear action shots from across the field:)
I have a cannon elph 100. It is a nice camera for taking pictures and videos.

I am looking forward to pictures from your flock!
So we've come to the hard decision to put off my breeding plans for a few years and and go roo - less with the exception of one particularly sweet bantam. Anyone want a 4 month Light Sussex or bantam Cochin? (I'll post pics from my computer shortly)

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