California - Northern

So the chick seemed ready to hatch. It had made a big hole and you could see it squirming its head, trying to zip, but it couldn't. It had been pipped long enough that the membrane was starting to get a bit dry. I slowly and carefully started peeling off shell, and when I got to it's hind end I saw just a little blood so I stopped. And then I saw a ton of unabsorbed yolk
I immediately held the small remaining bit of shell together and asked my mom to grab a tall, heavy cup. I put the chick in the cup so it couldn't stretch out and put the cup back in the incubator. Now I'm hoping it survives...I was so sure it was ready.
Hope it makes it!

I thought the Orpingtons hatched wonderfully but I've only done them twice. Now the Swedes will make you pull your hair out. Saturday was day 22. We had a crazy weekend and I left the last 5 eggs and all the shells in the bator until today. I went to toss the eggs and there was another one trying to hatch! Day 24! I better go help him. I think it's stuck.
Stubborn little one!

@ronott1 ....I have been meaning to ask you...... Is the chicken in your avatar a Pita Pinta? My Mottled Ameraucanas are getting was too much black for me. The oldest one I have just started laying and she looked like this at hatch in March:

Like this right after she fully feathered out in April:

This in May

And this around July:

And this now:

As you can see, she has graudually gotten darker and darker.
Do the Pita Pintas do that too?
She sure is pretty even if she is dark.
My mom asked me why I was being so grumpy and I all I could do was start crying.
I spent 12 hours on a project just to have it ruined by spray paint that was supposed to make it waterproof. Instead, it melted the foam.
My new $130 snake is refusing to eat.
I went to check on the baby chick and she had stopped breathing. It's probably my fault that she's dead.
My hatch sucks. ONE out of FIFTEEN Golden Lakenvelders has hatched. 3 out of 8 Lavendar Orps have hatched.
I got my brooder set up because I'm sure the chick that hatched yesterday at 6am is pretty hungry and thirsty by now. Plugged in the heat lamp, and guess what? It turned on, then died. The bulb went out. That's when I lost it. Seriously, it was just the icing on the cake. My poor chick is going to have to go over 48 hours without food and water because the STUPID heat lamp bulb decided to die on me after all the stores were closed for the night. If it weren't for her absorbing the yolk still she'd probably die because of lack of water. Or maybe she will die, and it will be my fault because I should have not been stupid enough to wait until this evening to turn on the heat lamp. How long can chicks go without water? At least 3 days because that's how long they stay in shipping boxes, right?
Can tonight get any worse? I feel like a miserable failure right now.
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I didn't candle because I had a chick zipping and didn't want to shrink wrap it. I'll go candle now.
Can I raise the humidity even though I have chicks in there? I'm afraid it will be too much for them if it gets really high(I assume it'll get 80%+ if I fill another tray)
Just candled. No internal pips. Most of them look like late quitters as I can still see large, easily visible veins in most of the eggs, even though they look pretty full...but not full enough to be a fully formed baby chick. I don't know why this hatch is going so horribly :(
My mom asked me why I was being so grumpy and I all I could do was start crying.
I spent 12 hours on a project just to have it ruined by spray paint that was supposed to make it waterproof. Instead, it melted the foam.
My new $130 snake is refusing to eat.
I went to check on the baby chick and she had stopped breathing. It's probably my fault that she's dead.
My hatch sucks. ONE out of FIFTEEN Golden Lakenvelders has hatched. 3 out of 8 Lavendar Orps have hatched.
I got my brooder set up because I'm sure the chick that hatched yesterday at 6am is pretty hungry and thirsty by now. Plugged in the heat lamp, and guess what? It turned on, then died. The bulb went out. That's when I lost it. Seriously, it was just the icing on the cake. My poor chick is going to have to go over 48 hours without food and water because the STUPID heat lamp bulb decided to die on me after all the stores were closed for the night. If it weren't for her absorbing the yolk still she'd probably die because of lack of water. Or maybe she will die, and it will be my fault because I should have not been stupid enough to wait until this evening to turn on the heat lamp. How long can chicks go without water? At least 3 days because that's how long they stay in shipping boxes, right?
Can tonight get any worse? I feel like a miserable failure right now.
a normal bulb will be fine until you have a chance to get a heat lamp if you have a regular light bulb (old school style). glad to hear some more of the lav orps decided to get off their booties and get out of the shell! i would say they are fine no problem for 48 hours and even 72 hours if need be. even on shipping days I don't often get the chicks into their brooders until wednesday night when I pull them out of the incubator on tuesday.
Just candled. No internal pips. Most of them look like late quitters as I can still see large, easily visible veins in most of the eggs, even though they look pretty full...but not full enough to be a fully formed baby chick. I don't know why this hatch is going so horribly :(

If the veins still look red, they might be alive. Do they look red or brown?

Just candled. No internal pips. Most of them look like late quitters as I can still see large, easily visible veins in most of the eggs, even though they look pretty full...but not full enough to be a fully formed baby chick. I don't know why this hatch is going so horribly :(
Were they ebay eggs?

Shipping stress, older eggs, low temps can cause stuff like this when hatching. Each day adds an hour to hatch time. That can add up for eggs over two weeks old.

IF the veins have blood, they need to sit longer.

If you do not have an accurate thermometer, get a Brinsea Spot check.

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