California - Northern

Morning everyone!

Hoping for a few pointers or things to watch for:

My broodies hatched some chicks for a local lady - she left me a few chicks for the broodies to raise and also brought me 1 additional chick yesterday that is close to the same age (probably about a week old; just getting wing feathers in). I need to get it out under my broody asap but it's a bit lethargic and doesn't seem to be acting like I think it should. It's eyes are clear, no sneezing or mucus around the nose or beak. I just cleaned out the brooder this morning so I will be able to check poop when I get home.

As much as I'd like to keep it quarantined for a full month it has no friends and I'll be out of town in a few weeks; so I need some options and things to look out for.

Right now I have Pedialyte and a few drops of Poly-Vi-Sol in the water and a towel in the brooder for company. Anything else that could help "perk" it up? 'm going to get it some scrambled eggs and nutritional yeast this evening. Any specific symptoms to watch for in a young chick? Anything else I'm not thinking about? TIA! this the Mauve from Vicki? I am wondering if it was just away from the heat for while and is stress due to that. I hatched those and posted here about the color. I also kept 2 from the same hatch and they re out with one of my broodies and doing well I am thinking it is older than a week...closer to 2. I hope it recovers with your good care. I know you do a great job with yours....
i can't have roos....i knew pretty early what mine were...i had one of each and had a home for the boy...if you had girls to sell i would drive over for this point they are too old to go with broody so would have to be old enough to be outside in the baby pen with each other. Totally understand if you want to sell sooner as straight run...if that is the case maybe you could give me into to get the eggs? BTW those are gorgeous chicks you hatched! this the Mauve from Vicki? I am wondering if it was just away from the heat for while and is stress due to that. I hatched those and posted here about the color. I also kept 2 from the same hatch and they re out with one of my broodies and doing well I am thinking it is older than a week...closer to 2. I hope it recovers with your good care. I know you do a great job with yours....
Yep, that's the one. The extra vitamins did the trick and it was running around, cheeping and looking for company when I got home from work. Last night I put it with one of my bantam mamas who has week old Orps and it was doing quite well this morning. Do you know if her Orps are bantam or on the small side? It's smaller than the other 3 week olds - about the same size as the 3 day old ones.

I have a Bantam Mauve Orpington cockerel for sale.

Mauve is the combination of the Blue, and Chocolate genes. When bred over black hens he will produce BBS, Choc, & Mauve offspring.

He is beautiful! I have LF Orps though.
i can't have roos....i knew pretty early what mine were...i had one of each and had a home for the boy...if you had girls to sell i would drive over for this point they are too old to go with broody so would have to be old enough to be outside in the baby pen with each other. Totally understand if you want to sell sooner as straight run...if that is the case maybe you could give me into to get the eggs? BTW those are gorgeous chicks you hatched!

I am going to be downsizing some of my adult d'Anver hens, as soon as I decide which ones are going. Hard to part with any of these sweeties! All of my birds came from eggs I hatched from Boggy Bottom Bantams. PM me if you are interested.

I have d'Anver eggs but most would be mixed colors. I do have one Mille Fleur hen that I am getting a few eggs from.
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I processed my first ever cornish cross meat bird today. It was about 7 weeks-old, broody raised and basically free ranged ( never penned up). Turned out to be just over 4 pounds after processing. Boy, do I hate plucking! It didn't help that the scalding water ended up not being hot enough. But, I got it done. I have 4 more to process over the next few days.


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