California - Northern

As they have been lately. Redding was 112 yesterday. It really annoys me though when I see the National news talk about how "hot" it is in other areas..... "Temperatures are going to reach 90 in Kansas City with a heat index of 95". Wow...those poor people.
I know the areas further east have a lot higher humidity, but that is factored into the heat index. You rarely see them talk about the heat here in Northern CA.
As they have been lately. Redding was 112 yesterday. It really annoys me though when I see the National news talk about how "hot" it is in other areas..... "Temperatures are going to reach 90 in Kansas City with a heat index of 95". Wow...those poor people.
I know the areas further east have a lot higher humidity, but that is factored into the heat index. You rarely see them talk about the heat here in Northern CA.
It really does not make sense. I have seen people go up to the Redding Red Bluff area when the highs were in the 110 plus range and they could not handle it.

It may have started already, but when the inversion layer starts it does not cool down much at night there. 80 to 90 will be the low and it will get a bit hotter each day until the inversion layer breaks. I remember coming home from High School on the bus with no air conditioning in September. The wind felt like a blast furnace coming in the window.
At least it's cooler! Our biggest heat was the first day.

A city on the gulf in the middle East got 2° from the hottest wet bulb temp human bodies can stand yesterday. Felt like 158. They said the dew point was 91.

I bet they do not have any chickens there!!
That's sad. I'm sorry. Would you like the black sizzle to make up for it. The stink crowed this morning. That makes 8 silkie boys in a row.*(&%@#$.... I give up on broody silkie hunting. I'll never have one. So now that my scovie are laying I'm rooting for them to go broody by the spring. They are still the fave to watch in the yard. Second are the bourbon reds. 2 boys 2 girls

I have a cute, small white Silkie hen available that goes broody more often than not. All mine do. She is a year and a half old. She is from Catdance Silkie eggs and produces super nice quality partridge chicks when crossed with my Porcelain roosters. One of the porcelain roosters is available also. Same age/hatch as the hen.

I am in Grass Valley.

Quote: I would be one of those that could not handle it!

The temperatures are lower this morning and I actually went and spent a little time sitting in the pen watch the chickens. The cloud cover, however, is really raising the humidity levels. Great for the fires, (as long a there are no thunderstorms), but it has gotten really uncomfortably humid already. I took the dogs out to play and had to cut the time in half. Even they were getting too hot and tired. When I was out with the birds I noticed how many cockerels it looks like I have. It looks like at least 10. A couple will be processed early next week, but 2 others have decided to start crowing
. I can't have that so I plan to send them to new homes this weekend. One is a Black Copper Marans and the other is a crested Cream Legbar. They are both very handsome and really wish I could keep them!!!

At least it's cooler! Our biggest heat was the first day.

A city on the gulf in the middle East got 2° from the hottest wet bulb temp human bodies can stand yesterday. Felt like 158. They said the dew point was 91.

I bet they do not have any chickens there!!
Was that the one in Iraq??? I saw that on Facebook. I can't even imagine that!

Wow those are some big eggs
They are! They look painful!

Quote: Oh...I would SOOO take the Silkie hen if I were not trying to downsize. I can't remember if you are on the 530 FB page, but if not, I would be happy to share the info there.
yes. Apparently a place is Saudi got over the actual temp last year, but was dry, so only some people died. Te place i was reading about actualy theorised these areas may become uninhabital in 10 years or so with global warming. If the sea gets to 93-95 something something bad bad.
Oh...I would SOOO take the Silkie hen if I were not trying to downsize. I can't remember if you are on the 530 FB page, but if not, I would be happy to share the info there.
I'm trying to downsize too. I have WAY too many birds, and too many broodies. I'm thinking I'm going to get rid of the 2 broody BCM pullets too.

Quote: We get an inversion layer here sometimes too. Temps today are much nicer, and we even got a mild sprinkling, which was nice.

I remember no air conditioning in school.

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