
Who did you get the eggs from?

They don't look like any cream Legbar chicks I have seen. The chipmunck one could be a boy but should NOT have feathered shanks. I have never seen black ones ( I did hear of it but not sure how it fits in with the genetics). Again the head spot on the black ones if they are CL would suggest boys to me. Sorry!!!!
I should have asked for his name, but I didn't. He was selling a lot of eggs, different types, and a lot of chicks, too. The eggs I bought were light blue and came from the carton marked CLB, and he assured me that they were pure CLB eggs, not mixed breed. Can't help but think I was tricked.
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Who did you get the eggs from?

They don't look like any cream Legbar chicks I have seen. The chipmunck one could be a boy but should NOT have feathered shanks. I have never seen black ones ( I did hear of it but not sure how it fits in with the genetics). Again the head spot on the black ones if they are CL would suggest boys to me. Sorry!!!!

I should have asked for his name, but I didn't. He was selling a lot of eggs, different types, and a lot of chicks, too. The eggs I bought were light blue and came from the carton marked CLB, and he assured me that they were pure CLB eggs, not mixed breed. Can't help but think I was tricked.

Could have been an honest mistake or a fence jumper result that he was not aware of. Certainly possible if he has lots of breeds.
I should have asked for his name, but I didn't. He was selling a lot of eggs, different types, and a lot of chicks, too. The eggs I bought were light blue and came from the carton marked CLB, and he assured me that they were pure CLB eggs, not mixed breed. Can't help but think I was tricked.
where was the seller located?
Hi, I need some help. I attended the last meet-up in Norco and bought some Cream Legbar eggs. I got three chicks from the hatch. Two black chicks with dots on their heads so I know they are boys. The other one is grey/brown chipmunk with a large white patch on the head and feathers on the legs. I don't know what other breed it was mixed with. I am hoping some one, maybe the egg seller (don't know his name), can tell me if this grey/brown is
auto-sexing, if so a boy or girl. Thanks.


Post your chick pics on the Cream Legbar thread or the Bielefelder thread because there are serious CL breeders on those threads who probably could instantly tell you what your chipmunk is!
Here is the list of what to expect at the Pomona Meet-Up thus far. If you would like to add to the list, please PM me here or on FB through

You can message me for the address as well, this is my private residence, so please exercise caution if choosing to share my address should you already have it.

We have the following chicks available for sale. All hatched on Easter 4/20/14
Straight run, though we’ll do our best to sex them (no guarantees)
3-Olive Eggers (Fluffy cheeks and feathered shanks/feet)
2- Super Blue Egg Layers
4- Isabel Marans

Easter Hatch Pricing Chart
1 week old - $8 Vaccinated against Marek’s Disease
2 weeks old - $10 Vaccinated against Newcastle & Bronchitis
3 weeks old - $12
4 weeks old - $14
5 weeks old - $16
6 weeks old - $20 Vaccinated against Fowl pox
7 weeks old - $22
8 weeks old - $24 Vaccinated against Coryza

We also have some older hatches available for sale. Unvaccinated

Hatch date: Breed

1/2/2014 : 1) Black Copper Marans Roo
1/13/2014: 1)Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Roo
1/24/2014; 1) Splash Marans Roo

Straight Run Chicks; for sale;
2) Black / Chocolate Split Orpingtons
2) Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
1) Barred Sizzle

1) Leghorn
1) California White

3) Bantam Chocolate Wyandotte

2) Jubilee English Orpingtons

There will also be:
  • Hatching Serama Eggs
  • 2 Cochin Chicks
  • 1 Partridge Silkie

Along with Chicks and hatching eggs there will also be:
  • Locally Harvested, Raw Honey, & 100% All Natural Beeswax Products from Hometown Hive
  • Locally grown produce
  • Organic Jams, organic, non-GMO veggies and herbs, web design and social media marketing from Suburban Homestead
  • Mosaic Pottery
  • Tamales – Green Chile Chicken, Red Chile Chicken and Sweet
  • Rooster Collars- to lower the volume and duration of the crow
  • Knick Knacks
  • Baked Goods
  • Chicken themed sewing items and tote bags
  • Biosecurity Booties will be for sale so you can tour my gardens and chicken areas
  • Live wheat grass for fodder
  • Water nipples
  • Water Nipple Buckets
There will also be two raffles.
The first one will be for fun items, such as:
  • Product from Hometown Hive
  • A 50 lb. bag of chick feed
  • A hanging water nipple bucket
  • & some fun chicken themed items.
The other raffle will be a 50/50 raffle.
  • Winner gets 50% of the cash pot so the more buy-in’s the bigger the payout.

Post your chick pics on the Cream Legbar thread or the Bielefelder thread because there are serious CL breeders on those threads who probably could instantly tell you what your chipmunk is!
I did. I posted on a couple of CL threads and the experts confirmed that the chipmunk one was the pure CL. The black ones on the other hand were mixed with another (unknown) breed.
Awww, thanks, we are both super excited! Isn't there a amazing variety of stuff available! I don't think I have ever tasted raw honey, and I haven't had a sweet tamale since I was 16.....!!!! And I do like fresh jam! Oh, and the serama hatching eggs might make me break my no more hatching promise
I did. I posted on a couple of CL threads and the experts confirmed that the chipmunk one was the pure CL. The black ones on the other hand were mixed with another (unknown) breed.

I'm not 100% sure but I think the paler chipmunks are males and the darker chipmunks are females on CLs.

As for your blacks they might turn out good layers if they grow up to be pullets. Our Dominique chick had a tight white dot on her head and wing tips and underbelly with sort of dark stripes down the front of her legs - it's the way to tell the males from females on Dom day-old chicks - the males will have not only a scattered white dot on their head but also some white scattered on the back of their neck and yellowish legs but the females have yellowish legs with the darker shanks and toes but usually you need to notice it as chicks since the females lose the black shanks later. I would love to know if you notice any black leg markings on the front of either of your black chicks - they might be females and turn out some nice brown eggs for you. One of your black chicks has a bit of white splashing on the back of its neck and may be a cockerel - it also looks to not have blackish shanks either. Your tight white dot black chick may be a pullet but can't see its shanks in the photo.

If Legbar breeds have a history of Barred crossings maybe you have a couple of chicks that have the Barred throwback? I don't know much about genetics but my Buff Leghorn has Buff Rock throwback in her cushion/tail.

Just trying to think of all the possibilities in your chicks. Let me know what the shanks look like on the two black chicks.
Awww, thanks, we are both super excited! Isn't there a amazing variety of stuff available! I don't think I have ever tasted raw honey, and I haven't had a sweet tamale since I was 16.....!!!! And I do like fresh jam! Oh, and the serama hatching eggs might make me break my no more hatching promise

You can't get raw honey in the Supermarkets. The honey is pastuerized (I think by law?) and that kills any benefit of eating it. Not only that but there are commercial products that say 100% pure honey but the bulk of the container has added corn syrup filler allowed by law WHAT? I'm not so sure health food stores are allowed to sell unpasteurized raw honey either. I miss my childhood when our honey was harvested and there was always SOMEONE who got stung on harvest day! I wasn't anywhere near the harvested beehives but got stung on my arm as a kid - still have the scar of that bite 60 years later!

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