
From the Crazy H-Bar Ranch;
A couple of weeks ago I recycled this old entertainment center. This is what it looked like when I brought it home...

After a little demo'ing, cleaning and some repainting I added some shelves, backing, and doors.

Wired in a couple of heat lamps for the brooders.

I used peg board backing for ventilation and a mesh floor so the birdies won't have to walk in the muck and poop trays for easy clean up.

Added the door fronts............... Now you can put a "DONE" stamp on this recycled project.

Do you think the birdies like it???

I love it!!!
From the Crazy H-Bar Ranch;
A couple of weeks ago I recycled this old entertainment center. This is what it looked like when I brought it home...

After a little demo'ing, cleaning and some repainting I added some shelves, backing, and doors.

Wired in a couple of heat lamps for the brooders.

I used peg board backing for ventilation and a mesh floor so the birdies won't have to walk in the muck and poop trays for easy clean up.

Added the door fronts............... Now you can put a "DONE" stamp on this recycled project.

Do you think the birdies like it???

I love it!!!
Amazing~! Great job~!!!!!!!!
GREAT JOB!! I love it
This came over wire today

HPAI confirmed in Foster Farms turkey flock in California
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza in a Foster Farms turkey flock in Stanislaus County, California. Read more.

I don't know if there is enough biosecurity to eliminate the exposure…but we try.
Although the article mentioned their commercial facilities have a lot at stake and measures in place, their first clue was due to loss.
It's my understanding that high mortality avian influenza strains kill poultry before you even realize they are sick; i.e. a matter of hours not days.

I might add, I suppose this season it would be even more relevant to submit dead poultry to the UC Davis labs for findings.
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This came over wire today

HPAI confirmed in Foster Farms turkey flock in California
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza in a Foster Farms turkey flock in Stanislaus County, California. Read more.

Thanks for the post ozexpat - Foster Farms has had its share of poultry problems probably because they are so big. If we could only figure out a way to keep the wildlife birds off our properties because that's the best way disease spreads around. What'll you bet that it's just a matter of time before govt starts invading everyone's backyards to kill their poultry in the name of the public's "best interest" !!!! You don't hear of agencies killing off the infected mass wildlife in a panic -- backyards will be easier targets.

OIE: Only one Foster Farms house affected by avian influenza
1,200 turkeys are destroyed and other control measures have been implemented
Release Date:
An outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza affected only one poultry house at a Foster Farms turkey operation in Stanislaus County, California, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) reported. The presence of H5N8 avian influenza was confirmed at the Foster Farms turkey ranch on January 24, making it the first commercial poultry operation to be infected by the virus since it first entered the Pacific Flyway in late 2014.
According to OIE's report on the case, 145,000 birds were susceptible, with 4,500 deaths. An additional 1,200 turkeys were destroyed. Only one house of 9,000 birds was affected.
The property, which is in a remote location, has been quarantined, and movement control inside the United States has been implemented. The affected premises has been disinfected.
OIE believes the infection at the turkey farm is related to the recent avian influenza events in wild birds in the region. The virus was discovered at the Foster Farms facility as a result of increased biosecurity measures at all of Foster Farms’ East Coast facilities as avian influenza has spread through the Pacific Flyway.
Samples from the infected flock, which experienced increased mortality, were tested at the California Animal Health & Food Safety Laboratory System (CAHFS) and the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa, confirmed the finding. Foster Farms has been working closely with APHIS and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) throughout the ordeal.
The cooperation of involved parties has drawn the praise of the National Turkey Federation (NTF). “USDA’s effective response to target avian influenza at a remote central California turkey ranch underscores why consumers can be secure in the fundamental safety of the food supply and continue to enjoy turkey,” said Lisa Wallenda Picard, NTF vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs.​

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