
Hi, I'm in orange county and am just starting my first flock. I picked up 5 chicks yesterday and will get a few more next weekend when they arrive. Is there an OC specific thread or Facebook group I should be aware of?

Hi back, hope you enjoy your new chicken hobby! I'm sure others will know more about the different threads or groups, but it is nice to hear from you on this thread.
Hi, I'm in orange county and am just starting my first flock. I picked up 5 chicks yesterday and will get a few more next weekend when they arrive. Is there an OC specific thread or Facebook group I should be aware of?

Hi from OC as well
I don't do facebook, but I have made a lot of good connections from being on this forum
Welcome to the chicken much fun!!!! What type of chicks are you getting?
Hi, I'm in orange county and am just starting my first flock. I picked up 5 chicks yesterday and will get a few more next weekend when they arrive. Is there an OC specific thread or Facebook group I should be aware of?

Hello, welcome and congrats! There are many of us in OC here. @estamets and I are both in NOC. We met here and have become friends and chicken enablers for each other. Ha! And of course, I've learned tons of stuff from all the people on BYC.
Hi, I'm in orange county and am just starting my first flock. I picked up 5 chicks yesterday and will get a few more next weekend when they arrive. Is there an OC specific thread or Facebook group I should be aware of?

Hello hello! Since there are so many of us, I suppose we could start an OC thread... but lots of cool stuff happens outside the OC, so it's good to keep an eye out here to see what's going on.

What kind of chicks did you get, and what did you add this weekend?
Hello hello! Since there are so many of us, I suppose we could start an OC thread... but lots of cool stuff happens outside the OC, so it's good to keep an eye out here to see what's going on.

What kind of chicks did you get, and what did you add this weekend?

I hope we keep this SoCal thread. It may cover a lot of area, but not so many chicken people...
From the Crazy H-Bar Ranch;
Now that the quail projects have started we have about 80 fertile quails that need to be gone. After Wednesday or Thursday they will be at least 8 days old... I would like to see someone hatch these out...
Hello hello!  Since there are so many of us, I suppose we could start an OC thread... but lots of cool stuff happens outside the OC, so it's good to keep an eye out here to see what's going on.

What kind of chicks did you get, and what did you add this weekend?

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I'm in Tustin and so far have two ameraucanas, a red, a maran and an australorp. This weekend I'll be getting my buff orpingtons and silver laced Wyandotte. I may pick up a couple more if there is anything interesting. So far the chicks are super easy to care for. They dump a ton of their food out though.

I need to get started on building their coop! Spent some time clearing the area of branches and stuff.

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