
Thanks for the info Deb
yeesh, I'm having free range nightmares! =)

Happy Memorial Day Everyone, hope you have something delicious and mostly non-toxic to enjoy ;)

btw - broody hens are binge hatching, hopefully better odds than my incubator hatch which is so far boys=6 girls=1......

I been four years now with out chickens.... sigh... I live the chicken life vicariously untill I can move back home.


Hi deb,

Thx for going through the extensive research post. It will be helpful for a lot of people. I used to like for an exhaustive comprehensive list identifying the parts of plants, vegetables, fruits, weeds, and flowers that were safe or toxic and what the side effects were to chickens but I haven't seen it online lately - darn. It's interesting how some lists are different from other lists but still gives a good reference for make intelligent decisions for our flocks. Thx for taking the time to post
I know y'all will understand...

So, I am starting to have a little hatching problem, and I like watching my broody hens raise chicks. I have lots of extra chicks I can't keep, so I posted them for sale on Craigslist. One of the inquiries has left me speechless. Below are screenshots of her inquiry and for reference, the ad I posted, which does list the price per chick.



Um... I'm not a grocery store or a business. Just selling for fun and certainly there's no profit in it. I don't take debit, credit or EBT cards. :lol:

And, it makes me wonder, if she only has $4.50 to spend, how is she going to feed it? I mean there certainly are ways to keep costs down, but there are costs involved. I would also not even sell a singleton chick, unless a person already has chicks at home and just wants to add one more. I didn't respond to her because I don't want to spend so much time to ferret out the issues. I want to make sure I'm at least selling to people that I think can feed and care for their chicks properly. She might, but her email doesn't give me much confidence. :th
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I know y'all will understand...

So, I am starting to have a little hatching problem, and I like watching my broody hens raise chicks. I have lots of extra chicks I can't keep, so I posted them for sale on Craigslist. One of the inquiries has left me speechless. Below are screenshots of her inquiry and for reference, the ad I posted, which does list the price per chick.



Um... I'm not a grocery store or a business. Just selling for fun and certainly there's no profit in it. I don't take debit, credit or EBT cards. :lol:

And, it makes me wonder, if she only has $4.50 to spend, how is she going to feed it? I mean there certainly are ways to keep costs down, but there are costs involved. I would also not even sell a singleton chick, unless a person already has chicks at home and just wants to add one more. I didn't respond to her because I don't want to spend so much time to ferret out the issues. I want to make sure I'm at least selling to people that I think can feed and care for their chicks properly. She might, but her email doesn't give me much confidence. :th

Tell her you already sold out. I mean chicks arent a used car...yiu cant banter the prices lower. I just had a broody hatch 9 eggs. She has 5 more under her idk at which point to intervien. Im pretty sure 2 arent fertle as my roo wasnt full grown and i got the other 12 from a breeder of backyard mixs. When do i give up on the 5 remaning eggs? Shes my first broody ive let hatch.
Tell her you already sold out. I mean chicks arent a used car...yiu cant banter the prices lower. I just had a broody hatch 9 eggs. She has 5 more under her idk at which point to intervien. Im pretty sure 2 arent fertle as my roo wasnt full grown and i got the other 12 from a breeder of backyard mixs. When do i give up on the 5 remaning eggs? Shes my first broody ive let hatch.

In my experience, the broody will wait 1 more day after the first hatch. Then she will abandon eggs to care for the little chicks. Early in the process, the broody won't go far from the nest (just a few feet away) and will always accept the eggs if I give them to her. However, you kind of have to keep a close eye. If the chicks move, mama moves with them and has to abandon the eggs again. So, if they are really late bloomers, you might need to find an alternative if you want to save the chicks.

Have you candled them? Do you know if the 5 remaining eggs are alive? If you have an incubator, that is most ideal for saving the eggs after mama hen has chosen to care for the hatchlings. If not, I have used a heating pad before (but the egg was one that had pipped already), but it's pretty hard to regulate temperature. It's possible, just challenging.

Where are you? If you want, I am still running my incubator for a single lonely egg that was laid by another hen about 1 week before my broody's chicks hatched. I can put any remaining eggs of yours in incubator if you want to save them and have no other options.
You know, I usually end up with an interesting story or two whenever I deal with The Craigslist (including having a fine, slender, intensely hyperactive individual insist on adding the "the"). Yikes. I'd just ignore the email. :-/

Totally wish I could handle more roosters, but haven't found an option for them yet and currently have a big bossy boy (who I'm keeping) and one little baby Phoenix roo who I have to find a home for still :( best of luck selling your fluffy facers!!!

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