
you can always put it up on blocks to be off the ground. Good luck! This is the coop I am getting. Going to attach an additional run to it. Sooooo excited!!

you can always put it up on blocks to be off the ground. Good luck! This is the coop I am getting. Going to attach an additional run to it. Sooooo excited!!

Cute coop! I was looking at some similar! Will post when we make a final decision
So much fun shopping around! What is the size of your coop and how many chickens are you planning for?
Cute coop! Our first little coop was on a paver stone foundation with a dirt floor in middle but it was messy because the chickens dust-bathed near the foundation. We had to keep the coop tarped from harsh sun or when it rained.

Our next coop was set up on a patio slab which we can hose down once a week. Chicken poop on cement dissolves well when hosed. My DH cheats sometimes and slips a cardboard on the floor to catch poops. But mostly we just wash down the cement.

Your attached run is such a good idea. Chickens don't spend much time in a coop except for laying eggs or roosting. They are outdoors the rest of the day scratching, foraging, and dust-bathing. We kept our first two Silkie chickens inside the first little coop for a month and quickly found out they needed a whole lot more room and we gradually let them out for supervised foraging until we could see they were quite predator-savvy to leave out all day as long as there were plenty of doghouses, lawn furniture, pop-up canopy, plants, and lean-to shelters for them to hide in. Our new Barn Coop is taller but still takes the same amount of floor space as the little coop. Instead of using tarps we decided to build a patio roof over the new coop and in this past week's pouring rain we're glad we did. Coops are so notorious for leaking and after 5 years of using tarps it was nice to have shelter over this coop.

Post your pics as you get your coop and chicks!

Thanks so much for the info and pics! Really helps to see what others have done! Still shopping around for a coop :)
My coops is 70" and the outer run will be more than twice that. Starting with 4 layers. KFC, Henrietta, Hazel, and, Marigold....have other cute names once I get used to handling these 4 LOL
San Diego native here, but live in the "suburbs" of San Diego, Temecula!  

Just saw your BYC intro. Welcome to BYC as well! There's a coop builder near you who had good designs for just a few chickens:

Sylvester017 here has a great, washable set up for her feather babies.

Personally, I have mine (8 birds) on DG and rake it out every day. No issues with flies, but they are allowed to roam the whole property.

Do you have room to compost? That takes care of smell and flies. If your yard isn't that big, you can do a bokashi type composting or keyhole garden composting. Those both control smell, flies, and work in small spaces. The keyhole garden ends up being a raised veggie garden that's fed directly from your compost (the pile is in the middle of the garden).

If you have any questions, silly stories, pictures to share, that's what we're here for!

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