Calling all dog people! Dog with skin issues.

My puppy used to yip and bite (not hard, just little puppy teeth) when picked up because she didn't like the feeling of not being able to move. She was very submissive and was scared. Like others have said, my guess is that she's just not used to it.
If they have fleas then it’s probably just that, but if you want to be on the safe side you can pick up Bravecto (3mo flea chew) when you visit the vet. Off label it treats demodex which is a mange. The dog may have hip dysphasia based on what you are saying. I would put it on a joint support like dasaquin.
It's probably fleas, dogs will often chew / scratch themselves bald over that. Pics will help.
X2 on @Jmiller89 , it could very well be hip dysplasia. Super common in larger breeds.
The vet will be able to help you more. In my experience, flea medicine you can just get at the store doesn't really work. You'll be able to get something stronger at the vet.
I agree with everyone that getting rid of fleas and parasites should be the first priority. In addition to that I can say as a long time hound dog owner mine have always had healthier skin and ears with a grain free diet. Bless your heart for saving these sweet babies. Baby Red and I think you are awesome!
Yes! Diet is so important and can make a huge difference in their well-being. The wrong diet can also be another cause of skin irritations.
Vetericyn is what I use on dog and chicken wounds,it helps soothe and heal. I asked about hot spots earlier because Vetericyn also makes a hot spots spray.
I agree with everyone that getting rid of fleas and parasites should be the first priority. In addition to that I can say as a long time hound dog owner mine have always had healthier skin and ears with a grain free diet. Bless your heart for saving these sweet babies. Baby Red and I think you are awesome!
Yeah, diet is important. Only thing is with grain free the grain is just replaced with peas, which my dogs are allergic to. Whenever choosing treats or food I try to get something with the least fillers and mostly meat.
The raw spots on his rear from chewing could be fleas, fungus, or most likely a combination of the two. You should know shortly.
We use comfortis for all of our dogs so that's what we gave them... hes getting a flea bath today and some baby oil rubbed on his butt where he has chewed as it's very dry and flaky. His gait problem though is probably HD so he will be checked by the vet.... I'll get pictures of his skin issues a bit later.... HOWEVER there happens to be yet ANOTHER problem.... the puppy we got with them (unrelated) cries loudly when you pick her up and hold her.... is she having some type of stomach problem or what? I dont know if shes just nervous or if she hurt? Shes walking around fine but she was eating grass in the yard which is why I'm assuming it's a stomach issue? I feel bad for these babies :( Jaspers butt is bleeding from him chewing so much. Any advice is appreciated once again!

It'd be a good idea to call your vet and ask them if Benadryl is safe for BHs, since he is chewing himself raw and bloody. I usually use the Benadryl tablets (25mg). Do you know his current weight? Benadryl dosage is generally 1mg per pound, not to exceed 25mg. This can be given twice a day.

It's hard to say about the puppy. She's gone through some stressful times lately and that can bother their stomachs. She could be experiencing gas, upset stomach, or something else as there are numerous things it can be. Are they still eating the same food that the previous owners were feeding? Have you palpated her stomach to find out if there is a general area that is more sensitive for her? Is she eating and drinking OK? Like others have mentioned, she may be a little worried about being held and/or lifted off the ground.
Thank you for sharing the pictures with us. I really enjoyed seeing them

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