Can anyone tell me what colors these Calls are going to be?


7 Years
Sep 23, 2012
Hi there! We are new to ducks and recently had 15 Call Duck Eggs shipped to us. We candled on Day 7 and 3 of the 15 were infertile. By Day 14 2 of the eggs that had started to develop died, leaving us 10 eggs. All 10 eggs made it to lockdown, but sadly 2 of them didn't survive the hatch. So we have 8 little gorgeous baby Call Ducks. I am curious to know what colors they might turn out to be at maturity and was wondering if anyone could help me out with that. I assume that my 3 yellow ones will be White Calls, then I have one that is almost black on top, has a yellow chest, mixed colored beak and legs, 2 of them are a silvery color on top, yellow on the bottom and have mixed colored legs and beaks, and then 2 of them are brownish/grey with yellow striped throughout with dark beaks and legs. Also can anyone tell me how to sex the ducks?


Did these come from pure color pens? Mixed colors can look very similar when young.
If you bought the eggs then you can ask the seller what colors the adults are. if they did not come from pure pens then you wont know until they feather in with adult colors. Even with pure pens there are times when "other" colors pop up such as with blue fawns.

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