Can I get some ideas?

Try using peanut butter . Put a few little samples of peanut butter around the trap or on the first night put out the samples and on the next night set the trap up and put the peanut butter in the trap.
I tried to look up drift fence cage traps but had no luck. Is there a lnk you can share?
It's hard to tell from your pictures, but your trap looks too small for fox. I used the largest havahart (I think the opening is 15 X 15") I could get.

Here's a link to the thread about how I caught my fox.

Also try this for starters on the drift fence idea:

Good luck,
Hello. I have had the best luck with canned cat food or peanut butter on bread. My husband heard from a guy at work to use a lightbult, unlit. The reflection of the moon on the shinny glass and metal is supposed to attract a coon. My father in law set a trap like that tonight to get a coon out of our barn before our new ducks arrive. Not sure if it will work but we will see. Seems like a long shot to me.
The "magic potion" consists of Golden Malrin (fly bait) and cola. It looks like blue pop rocks. Use with caution as it drops varmits within inches of the pan. To make sure it only gets hard to get nasties, put it in an old bird cage on its side and cover it up during the day so it is only available from about 11p.m. until 6 a.m. Any farm store has it but they are not allowed to tell you how to use it off label. I have always resisted using it, but it became an evil necessity this year. I still miss my Mama Hen who was sitting on a perch in her own barn that I had all the doors closed up and had just put the hardware cloth up over the one door opening because it was so beastly hot. When I got to the barn at 6 in the morning to find pieces of Mama and her babies hanging on the 8 ft high fence, I pulled out all the stops. I have been criticized at work for not "rehoming" all the thieving critters, but it is illegal to dump off trapped predators because of possible disease and it just isn't nice to give the problem to someone else! As others have found, they get wise to the live traps. A trapper in our area has advised of all the methods and has helped me learn how to properly set and disguise traps but some crafty coon avoid them all. Good luck - I set live traps every night around my barn just in case something else decides to wander in......
Hi everyone. Still no takers this mornng. Dang! I didn't even catch the neighbors cat!

I had considered using the magic potion, until I saw the pictures taken last night. Now, I think I will try to set up a drift fence tonight.
I'll take some pictures after I get it set up. I have some plastic fencing and chicken wire I can use.

Last night's activity. This fox looks a lot smaller than last night's fox. The eyes in the last pic might be a coon?

The neighbor's cat. He is a big boy!

You've got to be patient; it took several months to catch my fox. I had videos of it EVERY DAY looking at my trap and walking around it. I baited it with cat food getting closer and closer to it. Then a couple of weeks of the live bait finally did it. Good luck!
This Golden Malrin fly bait and cola... do you mix it 50/50? What do you put it in? I wonder if it would attract coyote? We have many coyote that we hear at night but never actually see.
How do you dispose of any leftovers? How long is it good for?
Sorry for all the questions.
Ok, I am trying the drift fence idea to see how that goes. I stopped by Lowes on the way home from work and picked up a bundle of strapping and four 25 ft rolls of 2 ft tall plastic fencing. I cut the strapping into stakes to save a few bucks. I set it up to lead directly into the trap. The trap is covered with branches and the old rotting fish and chicken leg are in there still. I did not feel inclined to take them out....Ewwwww!
There were maggots in there already. I also scattered a few marshmallows behind the trap for extra encouragement. The fence wraps for a good distance around the yard to keep the critters from coming in the other way. I'll set up the game cam directly in front of it to see if there was any interest.

Here is how it looks. Once again, WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!

instead of just putting your bait in the cage dig a small hole put your bait in and then center the trigger over the bait this time of the year there is so much "Natural food" that coons will rarely fall for bait that and when people catch them with a cage trap and release them they will display the behavior you are experiancing for fox it is hard to beat a good comercail gland Lure John Grham ,russ carmen and asa lenon are a few I use for coon look around and see what wild or natural fruit is in season try using what they are already eating it works here right now our wild grapes are not quiet ripe but the blueberries and blackberries are everywhere

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