Can I hug my chickens?

Plus even if a dog eats poop there are studies that show dogs have cleaner mouths than humans.
Total BS fabrication made up by people who don't have any scientific understanding. ;)

A dogs mouth is germ laden. That MYTH came around because dogs lick their wounds and they heal. It is in FACT the increased circulation caused by the licking that helps a wound heal.

As far as I can tell EVEN the hens backs are poo laden from dust bathing since they don't seem to care where they poo or bathe.

It is my understanding that a chicken identified with salmonella must be destroyed legally. But here is an interesting note taken from MPC..

Q: Is Salmonella a concern with backyard chickens?

Not usually, but let us explain why. Humans do not catch salmonella from chicks or chickens the way you would catch a cold from your neighbor. Salmonella is food poisoning; you get it from eating infected meat or eggs. Even then, in order to get a case of salmonella, the meat and eggs you have eaten must be improperly prepared, that is, not completely cooked through. Or, you can also get salmonella by getting your hands or something else contaminated with feces and then putting that thing in your mouth. People more at risk for contracting Salmonella are very young, very old, pregnant or have immune systems that are already compromised in some way. The best way to keep your children and family safe from infection is by keeping your own hens whose conditions you can monitor, and by having your family members wash their hands after dealing with chickens.You want to have them wash hands after dealing with any pets, for that matter. Alcohol is an effective sanitizer for salmonella bacteria.

I'm a nurse. I'm a retired veterinarian. I've been kissing my dogs--and everybody else's- on the lips for 54 years. I've been hugging and kissing my chickens for the past year I've had em (why? because I love them!!!)

I'm still here. :) I've seen a lot more germs in the human places I've worked--and while I have gotten many human-acquired stuff in my life--I've never had any zoonotic (animal-acquired) disease yet.

Just sayin'. :)

Edited for bad sentence construct.
Sorry not read the whole thread but bizarrely enough your chickens are more likely to catch something from YOU than you from them. If your with your chickens picking them up is all part of the dealy and the extra hug is just nice! I'm not sure about kissing them but I would say dont use your tongue! They don't like it(joke)! It's all about just being clean. Wah your hands after you've been in there and change your clothes if you have poop on you. Yes people say they live in there own feaces but these people obviously don't clean them out regularly. Just keep them clean, keep yourself clean and you won't have any problems!
I have 5 6-7 week old chicks. I hold, pet, and talk to each one every day. Some will jump onto my lap in the garden.
I think the act of holding the chicken close to your body to keep it secure could be called a hug and if so, I hug mine every day.
Who wouldn't want to hug a soft fluffy chicken?
My Australorp is so fluffy she looks like she’s wearing bloomers, it’s the cutest thing.

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