Can i train my chickens to go inside my house?

One of our hen wants to come into the house all the time and if I happen to be outside (which I frequently am) I let her right after I see her poop and limit her visits the family room and for 10 minutes. It has worked so far but she doesn't dust off or flay or really do anything but plop down in a lay.
I have pet rooster, I hatched him so I am mommy. That being said, potty training is no easy task. You think potty traning a dog is hard, its nothing compared with a chicken. Chickens don't have the proper sphinxter to 'hold it' mostly they go when they have to go. The potty training of our rooster mostly consisted of getting him to poop on command, when he was younger this worked great becasue he pooped every hour or half hour. We could pick him up put him on his cage tell him to go and he would, then he could go back to what ever activity he was doing.

The problem is as he got older, almost 3 now, he started to poop more. So this solution became moot, he was spending all his time outside or on his perch and when he did have an accident he got really upset. He knew he did the wrong thing, not bad just wrong, he was not a happy chicken. So we transitioned him to a nappy, this is the best solution. I doubt you want to put diapers on your whole flock! So chose your favorite and get or make a nappy for that chicken.

As for some of the other things that have been discussed, like dander and one I would like to mention nasty feet. Chicenks will stand on anything unless they have been hand raised inside. My rooster wont perch on anything exept his designated perch, my lap, and chairs/stools. He also doesn't get on the floor unless he wants out. Why? How did we manage? Pretty simple, from the time he could fly we consistantly removed him from any serface that we didn't want him standing on. We never let him develup the habbit of standing where ever he wanted, now he only stands where we put him. The problem is this almost impossible to do with an adult chicken they have already develuped the habbit of standing where ever they feel like, getting what ever they have on thier feet all over your stuff. Seriously Ewww!

I have worked with a lot of chickens, I was caretaker on a bird sanctuary and the lady who owned it loved her chickens. THe food stroage area was prone to be hot and stuffy when preping the bird food, leaveing the door open was out of the question becasue the chickens would come in. So with a spray bottle and mean words I trained them to stay out of the hut. You have to have really good aim, you gotta hit them in the neck or the butt and you have to be consistant. The feathers are thinest here and they will feel the water. If you live in a cool climate I do not recomend the squirt bottle method but its the only on I have found that works.

Good luck!

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