Can roosters have a 'type' ?


In the Brooder
Aug 3, 2017
Our flock started first with chicks that we were raising at someone else's property because they had more room and experience (we are working on building a farm to eventually move the flock to). Then we attended a small animal auction, and so it began. We brought home a rooster named Rocky that was 7 years old and had been around kids his entire life so he was very docile and kind for a rooster. After a couple days, we went back to the family we bought the rooster from and bought a hen to keep him company (and for eggs). Then we turned our small backyard into a coop and run and brought our babies over (almost fully grown at the time) and thus our backyard flock began. After a while we bought a couple adult hens that were already laying age and added them to the flock as well, and then I started to notice something. Although our Rocky had his right-hand lady (her name is Myrtle, they're the two in my profile picture), he mated with every other eligible bachelorette (normal I know) in the flock. However, he was especially rough with the Barred Rock hens that we had. And even though the two we had died (dog got in and killed them) we had since replaced them with now three Barred Rock hens. Only two are mature enough to lay and mate, but he is still especially rough with them and he always seems to go after them the most. Can chickens distinguish between breeds? And if so, can roosters have a favorite breed?
The dynamics can be different between the hens and the rooster, and yes, the rooster will almost always have a favorite hen.

Some hens are less willing than others, which can trigger more "assertiveness' by the rooster.

It could be their coloring, as some birds will pick on those of a different color.

However, my rooster tends to mate equally and is only more "assertive" when the hen, usually a younger pullet, is less willing (ie runs away or is uncooperative).

Being newer in the flock, they may be more skittish around him triggering some dominant behavior as well as mating behavior.

Watch. If he is too aggressive, you may need to intervene.

I have a little 8-9 week old Blue Laced Red wyandotte cockerel and he seems to really like black chicks. His main squeeze is a barred rock pullet. They go everywhere together. He also tries his hardest to get close and cuddly with an older Black Sex Link that's twice his size, but she just ain't havin' that.
I don't know that they have types but my roosters always seemed to prefer the new girls on the block over the tried and true ladies. And I've heard of roosters that will avoid certain breeds or colors of hens although I've never seen it in my own flock.
My poor bearded ladies had more on their faces than on their backs when i finally rehomed that roo. Smooth faced lady was absolutely perfect. Current roo has his own beard he's still too young to figure out what flavor he prefers....we shall see.
:lau Um... sorry... that just cracked me up. My roo is not terribly fond of barred birds. Too bad for him, I have 2 Dom and 4 PBR pullets this season!

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