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For those of you not following my other thread, the hatching egg one, I lost both of Thaddeus' babies today. They hatched and died within seconds. I opened the 3 egg and it was a fully formed dead chick
It has been a difficult day but I am grateful tonight for everyone around the country who has Thaddeus' babies. I look forward to watching them grow and seeing his genes carried on
Merry Christmas! Hope I have a happy surprise in the morning... My white baby is not doing well. I dipped its beak in vitamin water several times this afternoon and tonight but it stays under the brooder all day not eating or drinking
finally started peeping a little bit tonight... Hope that's a good sign!
Lost my white baby tonight. I thought the vitamins seemed to be helping, but after I dipped her beak in the water tonight I walked away for maybe 15 minutes to unwrap presents with my nieces and nephews, came back and she was laying next to the food dish
I bawled my eyes out while my dad and boyfriend had their arms around me. Today was a good day for it to happen though and I'm grateful for the four babies I have left. Other than losing my chick it's been a wonderful day and I have so much to be thankful for. I hope everyone else has had a wonderful Christmas as well
So very sorry you lost your chick today. I know that tears at your heart. It makes me question sometimes if it's worth it. We do this for the enjoyment but it becomes a burden when it breaks your heart. I'm glad you had family there to comfort you. Healthy thoughts for your other chicks! Merry Christmas!
So very sorry you lost your chick today. I know that tears at your heart. It makes me question sometimes if it's worth it. We do this for the enjoyment but it becomes a burden when it breaks your heart. I'm glad you had family there to comfort you. Healthy thoughts for your other chicks! Merry Christmas!

I am so sorry
Unfortunately, it is part of it all...the sad part of it...and while it is a bit easier for me now, it still is very hard.
Thanks, Rachel and Laura. I had a long talk with myself before I put those eggs in the incubator about accepting the possibility of losing chicks and I'm glad I did. Reading for hours on end through the forum gave me pretty good perspective too, so I wasn't totally blindsided. Got my crying out in my room for a couple of minutes, then came back out so the kids wouldn't find out and be upset. It's still so sad though. BUT, it has really only inspired me to hatch more babies... I'll be picking up some eggs from Laura next month and plan to set many more of my own! And I love my babies from Carla so much... I might have to get more from her too
I need another white baby!
I do the same thing each time I set eggs. You just have to because it is bound to happen. Thankfully, not every time
I hatched all 3 of my white babies from Pampered Poultry. I would keep a look out for her auctions. Zephyr is one of hers too. I like her birds a lot! I plan on getting some more at some point.

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